Saturday, July 19, 2008

Batman oozes sex appeal.

The Dark Knight was truly captivating.. well, almost all of its 2+hours, anyway. Christian Bale was gorgeous, as usual. Very suave and sexy. But chemistry was obviously lacking between Batman and Rachel. I felt that the joker was not as good a potrayal as that of Jack's but Heath Ledger did a pretty good job. We enjoyed the almost 3-hr movie at MVMM after banging our bumper into another car's headlights and having MacDonald's for breakfast. Very entertaining morning, I would say.

Next, we went to Klang Lama for a food court lunch and tried something new - wantan mee and shrimp dumpling soup. We also headed to the fruit stall to pick up papayas, bananas, grapes and a few starfruits. We will be making smoothies at home soon.

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