Friday, September 5, 2008

Baum Kuchen- Japanese Cake

Today my Japanese neighbour passed me a box which was wrapped in lovely pastel coloured paper. She told me "Japanese cake" and she had bought it on her recent trip back to Japan. It was sorta a gift to thank me for the pohpiah I made her and her family a couple of weeks ago? hahaha.
I opened the wrapper and the dainty box stares back at me. Opening the Baum Kuchen box, I was surprised to find two individually wrapped cakes sitting attractively amist another layer of wrapping. Ahhh the Japanese and their packaging!
Baum Kuchen, I guess, is something like our Kuah Lapis but only more intricate and more presentable-looking. There was even a description in the box in the form of a brochure, of how the cakes are made! Anyway, the sugary coating on top and the pale yellow layers of cake were too much for me to bear-especially after 3 long hours of tuition with the twins (who were fasting). And so, before my other fasting student, Dania, arrived, I broke off a quarter and munched. ahhhhhhhhhhhh. The cake melted in my mouth and it was delicious. I think it was the fact that "(they had) made this baumkuchen with all (their) hearts" - their very palatable tagline. ;D
After tuition, we went to MVMM to change money (SGD is getting stronger agst the RM but trailing behind the USD sadly). and then picked up some fruit (peaches, pears, grapes) from Money Back Guarantee- a fruit shop in The Gardens- and then, we decided to go to Robson's for a nice meal without the frills.
Dinner was beef horfun for two, vension with spring onions and a plate of kai lan. We went home to relax and chill and watch the VERY BORING English version of Shutter. ZzzzzzzZzzz.

1 comment:

tan poh kee said...

Baumkuchen is available in Singapore too. A Japanese pastry chef bakes them over a spit oven. He brushes a layer of batter over a rod and it rotates over a gas oven. The next layer is brushed on once the first layer turns golden. This is repeated about 20 times! Check out