Thursday, November 13, 2008

An Interview Scheduled.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls,

Today is a FREE DAY for me. Actually, this whole week has been rather relaxing because many of my students have either cancelled classes or postponed them for whatever reasons. As you recall, I spent my Monday (and half of my Tuesday) updating and polishing my CV and writing my cheo cheo cover letter. I was going apply for a teaching position in an international school near my place - The Catch : It is a Primary School. ahhahaha

I sent my CV, cover letter and 2-paged testimonial provided by Mrs Lee directly to the Principal of the school, cc the recruitment officer at around 4pm on Tuesday evening and by Wednesday morning at 1032am, I received an interview offer for Friday, which I cheekily rescheduled to Monday morning 10am. Alan said that (a) the P must have liked my resume, (b) P must have liked my cover letter AND resume or (c) the P must have liked my Cover Letter, And Resume AND my photograph. ahhaahaa

Wish me luck! I am applying for the position of vomit cleaner, pencil sharpener and also food feeder. hahahah You are RIGHT. I hope to teach Foundation / Primary School students. SIao Right? After teaching teenagers for 7 years, I now 'downgrade' hahahha. But seriously, many of you do not know that when I received my posting from MOE / Singapore, I was pretty disappointed. Because I had always wanted to teach in a Primary School but because of my degree in English Language (NUS), they did not allow me to.

No regrets though. I had a fine time in CGS and the friends I had made there (some of whom are reading this blog now...) will last me a lifetime, I am sure! :) Anyway, wish me luck on Monday. Can you imagine, this will be my first interview since 2000? O MY TIAN AH!

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