Thursday, July 9, 2009

We are going DoWn UnDeR!

Hmmm... Actually there's nothing much to update..But have you heard??? We are going DoWn UnDeR!! :D

Finally, after weeks and weeks of deliberation as to where to go, Alan and I have finally decided to go to a country which we are very familiar with. AUSTRALIA! And which part of Australia? Where he took his degree and where I have been three times previously - PERTH!

We will do a self-drive (easier for the pregnant mama) from Perth and hit places like Fremantle/ Busselton/ Margret River. I guess we probably won't drive all the way down South to Albany as we have both seen the natural wonders, such as The Natural Bridge and The Gap. There will be some flea-market shopping (Fremantle) and some farm staying (Margret River) and visits to the vineyard where I shall stock up for my future indulgence!! Sad to say, if I'm gonna breastfeed, the indulgence shall need to be postponed. :( God am I craving for a good (bottle of) wine now~!!!

We are leaving KL and taking MAS (which is going for a song and cheaper than Air Asia) on 27th July and will only be back 9 days later on 4th August! *claps excitedly*

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