Wednesday, June 23, 2010
OH NO!!!
another trip back -eh sian boey???
10 June 2010 (Thursday)
Alan got off work and the three of us got into the car and endured the long journey back again. It was around 6+pm when we got to Tiong Bahru Plaza - I had to make a stop to pick up diapers and puree for Ethan. We also popped by Eu Yan San to buy Ah Ma and Daddy some tonics.
We got into the Volvo again and attempted to drive away and head for my inlaw's but the car was too heavy and Alan had parked too deep into the lot and the bumper got stuck with the concrete divider. My goodness. It took a while before my Iron Man (Alan lah) solved the issue. Of course, although the human traffic was heavy at the car park, no Singaporean stopped and offered to help. It was expected.
We headed finally to Ye Ye and Nai Nai's house. By then, it had turned dark and was after half past 8. We chatted and after dinner left for my mum's place.
11 June 2010 (Friday)
After fetching my mum from her office and marking the start of her retirement, we drove again to YeYe's house. After a simple lunch, Alan met with a contractor to settle some renovation stuff. In the evening, we went to Great World City to pick up some plates necessary for a photoshot the day after.
Dinner was at Ichiban. I wolfed down by cold soba and then whisked Ethan away and the both of us had a good time in the beautiful Baby Care Room in the shopping mall, a stone's throw away from the restaurant. :)
12 June 2010 (Saturday)
Alan had an appt in the morning so my mum, Ethan and I headed to Great World City ourselves in a taxi. We settled all our bank stuff by noon and then went back to YeYe's house to view the photoshoot.
Next, it was to Yvonne's Fernwood condo for a swim with Ethan's cousin, Tyler. :) This was Ethan's first time in the big pool and he actually enjoyed himself thoroughly. He also sat in Tyler's blown-up toy car and started munching on the wheel. haahhaha.
After our showers, we had a yummy dinner at Chat Masala's - Jean's treat with her first pay cheque! :) Thanks Sis!
13 June 2010 (Sunday)
It was almost 1pm when we reached Millennia Walk. We had wanted to park at Marina Sq but the CP was full. Anyway, since Harvey Norman was having a sale (GSS) and my mum was complaining that her TV was making weird noises, we bought her a new tv for the living room. Now she will not entertain the thought of absconding with the one in my room :P
At 2pm, we met Kala (OMG Kala was the only one on time for once), Elaine, Leo and Wan Hui for lunch and dessert at the Japanese restaurant next to Billy Bombers at Marina Square. Alan and I enjoyed our scallop ramen and creamy icecream with dumplings and red bean paste. After chitchatting and showing them our Melbourne pics, we bade e/o farewell and headed to the baby department. I wanted a Baby Sign Language DVD for Ethan. I had read in the forum that since he hasn't developed talking, it would greatly aid communication between him and I (etc) if he could pick up sign lang and sign whatever he wants to tell me. :)
We popped into Swensen's next to pick up an icecream cake for my MIL's bday and then zoomed to Tung Lok at ECP (where we were to have dinner) to store the cake in their freezer. After picking Jean and my mum from home, we met Alan's side of the family at Tung Lok.
After getting irritated (that's putting it mildly) with my MIL for feeding Ethan birdsnest although I had insisted NO, the dinner progressed smoothly on. *sigh* I was VERY PISSED OFF over that incident and had a sleepless night that night. She kept asking me if she could feed him whilst I kept saying "NO" because I was unsure and I hadn't done any research on babies eating birdsnest this early in their lives. This happened for about three times until I was so angry - you could see my face turning red. My totally unaware husband was happily ordering food and blissfully ignorant. :PPPPP
It is suffice to say that in the end, The MIL had her way. So one wonders, WHY THE FUCK you wanna ask me for MY PERMISSION??? ok enough. I don't wanna think about this incident any more. *blood boil* It's good to live away from Spore and just visit once in a while.
14 June 2010 (Monday)
Yes, FINALLY I can return to peaceful KL. Alan wanted to pick up a bag to house his camera so he deposited my mum (who was going to enjoy retirement for a while in KL), myself and Ethan at Raffles City whilst he headed to Peninsula Plaza. We met Ye Ye there and shopped in The Market Place to use the vouchers Alan had received last year.
I picked up some stuff for the house and also purees for Ethan - those dessert type and some biscuits. When Alan finally joined us, it was time for lunch and we had that in Mos Burger. After that, we sent Ye Ye home and then zoomed back to KL - Home, Sweet Home!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Our First Long Family Trip to Down Under

We met Kirsten at around 10am (check out time) and she took us to meet the family of koalas residing in the sanctuary. I hadn't seen koalas for a long , long time and not this close anyway! We knocked ourselves out petting them as they fed on the eucalyptus plants (which hit poor Ethan in the head a couple of times). The little one did not complain as he was too busy surveying the koalas and petting them on the head. After petting one, he promptly put his finger in the mouth to my horror - thankfully nothing untoward happened after that.
We left the sanctuary and drove down to Port Campbell. Lunch was a delicious and decadent affair at Room Six, manned by a sweet couple. Alan had a yummy yum yum steak burger with salad and wedges and I had a big bowl of mushroom and leek and pepper soup with turkish bread on the side. Our compliments to the chef!
After an approximately half and hour drive, we arrived near our next stopover (Macka's Farm along GOR). We had to go into Timbon (a small town) to pick up some groceries (for our meals for the next few days and nights) and I needed puree for Ethan as well. We purchased $102 worth of groceries and then checked into Macka's Farm.
What a warm welcome we were given by their two farm dogs - Andy and Jack (two Jack Russells). Macka, himself, came to greet us at the door and show us to our lodge. We were allocated Lodge One and that, in our opinion was the best and it had the platform outside to bbq and to view the farm. It was also the one nearest to the barn but thankfully the smell did not permeate. ;P
We were taken for a quick tour of the barn and it was an amazing feeling - like stepping into the movie set of Babe. We saw chickens and roosters running around, small calves, as many as 7 cats (all soft and velverty), two HUGE pigs and many piglets and many, many cows.
Macka came to start up the fire for us in our lodge and then we went to see the cows come home (literally) to be milked. Macka's wife and farm help, Trudi, gave us a jug of freshly squeezed milk (still warm) as a welcome gift. hahaha. I didn't drink it as I am breastfeeding but it smelt of our milk powder.
Alan was so sweet and he cooked dinner for us (delicious beef steaks) on the verenda. I did my part by cooking the spicy tomato soup (read : open can and dump contents into a big bowl, add water and milk and microwave) and feeding our starving son. Ethan was introduced to a yummy Yoplait Vanilla yogurt this evening too. Everything was perfect - the sheets were Laura Ashley and very comfy but the nextdoor neighbours were very inconsiderate and made lotsa noise at 11+pm, when we were trying to get our rest. :P
2 June 2010 (Wednesday)
We slept in this morning and got up only at around 10am. After the usual routine, we left the lodge at around 1230pm and headed to the Gorge Chocolate Factory (a smallish place owned by a young couple). They were both very friendly.. hahaha The fella even greeted us with a huge smear of chocolate on his cheek, close to his lips.
Again to Timbon we headed , but this time to check out a widely recommended eatery - Timbon Railway Shed Distillery. We were still very full from brekkie so we ordered a piece of Lemon Meringue Cheesecake and two scoops of icecream (vanilla as usual and a delicious Turkish Delight which tasted like Bandung).
We arrived at the Arch and the London Bridge at approximately 4+pm and then left for the lodge to cook sphagetti for dinner.
3rd June 2010 (Thursday)
Again, we woke up around 10am and then left for brunch at the Distillery. I was very impressed when the nice and sweet lady owner actually greeted Ethan by his name. Alan had Fish & Chips which did not hold a candle to Room Six's and I had a Chicken Maryland which had a weird Indian spices taste.
After lunch, we headed to the Loch Arg Gorge. I harnessed Ethan again whilst Alan took his shots. Good workout to burn those calories. We arrived at the 12 Apostles a while later but it was too bright to take any nice shots- according to the professional of a photographer, Alan. Thus, we headed back to the farm after a while to cook our pre-marinated pork chops and sausages and soup for dinner.
4th June 2010 (Friday)
Alan woke up early (6+am) to shiver in the cold (possibly 0 deg C) at the 12 Apostles to take sunrise shots there. We left Macka's farm at around 11am n then Alan drove us to the 12 Apostles again to get some photographs.
We travelled inland towards Colac and there was a sudden dip in temp to 10DegC and a weird fog outside the car. *shiver* We drove and drove and finally got back to Melbourne city and embraced a lap of luxury at the Crown Plaza. (isn't that a great way to end the holiday?) We valet parked our car for $60 for three days and two nights - multiple entries and exits. YaY.
Our big room overlooked the Yarra River and beautiful architecture of the Southbank but we did not have time to enjoy it yet. We wanted to SHOP at the DFO (South Wharf) since it was Friday and Late Night Shopping was available. hee hee. Good planning , eh?
We arrived at the DFO easily (it was a stone's throw away) and tried to shop. Pumpkin Patch was a hit and we picked up quite a few items for Ethan of course. He's outgrowing all his clothing we had bought for him in Perth July '09. Alan savoured his FCUK deals and picked up Iron Man tees and a pair of berms and fell in love with a jacket which we would pick up from another outlet the day after. There was of course nothing for me, again. hahaha. It's oK. I'm happy when my boys are happy!!! :D
We savoured a delicious hot chocolate and latte and then decided to head again to MeKong for dinner. The chargrill pork and phoa (again) did not disappoint, obviously. Their slogan read: "President Bill Clinton had two bowls. How many can you have?"
After the filling meal, during which Ethan was an angel and entertained himself with the mirrors next to us, we headed back to the Crown PLaza to watch the fireball shows from our hotel window in Room 409. :D
5th June 2010 (Saturday)
The breakfast spread in the hotel was much better than the ones we had been offered in Causeway 353 and Alan and I had freshly squeezed juices, eggs, sausages etc etc. After sinning at the table, we headed to the Crown Casino (not to sin at another table but) to pick up Alan's FCUK jacket. I finally found myself a top for $80 and our total FCUK bill combined with the previous day's purchases chalked up to around $400 - enough to claim VAT 10%!
Another trip was made to Queen Victoria Market and it was surprisingly quiet and not crowded at all. Perhaps it was because of the gloomy weather and the slight drizzle. We bought many t-shirts for little Ethan and ourselves and soaps and creams and nuggets and nuts and raisins. Then, it was closing time again at 2pm at the fruits and vegetables section and we picked up another bunch of grapes for ourselves to feast on.
It was 3pm when we sat down to lunch at Nando's again. Sad to say, it started to POUR when we had just finished our lunch and Alan braved the rain to get to the car park whilst Ethan and I waited in the restaurant. We headed back to the hotel reluctantly as it was difficult to walk on the streets whilst it was storming and with Baby Ethan.
We realised only in the hotel that my friend Hidayati had messaged us a couple of hours again. Yati is my secondary three and four classmate and we had been rather close. However, due to the lack of mobile phones then, we had lost touch 17 years ago! Recently, we 'reunited' through Facebook and arranged to meet in Melbourne for a rendezvous and reunion. ahahhaha.
Happily, our two families (she was travelling with hubby and two young 'uns on 3 and 5 years of age) met at the bustling Crown Casino and we walked to Southgate which was much quieter and settled for a foodcourt dinner. I was still very full from the Nando's and had my Boost juice as dinner whilst my hungry husband wolfed down half a wrap and half a slice of glorious cheesecake.
6 June 2010 (Sunday)
All of us woke up at around 830am and had breakfast at the hotel's restaurant again. Alan was adamant about making strawberry juice and clogged up the juicer. hahhaa. It was delicious, by the way!
We parked at QV and walked around the streets aimlessly trying very hard to shop. There was nothing much to offer in the boutiques though. In the end, we walked into David Jones and picked up two jackets for Ethan (for his planned trip to Taiwan in Dec haha).
Lunch was delicious and at Yoyogi along Swanston, a stone's throw away from MeKong. I chose the easy to eat beef don and Alan had a bowl of ramen. Both portions were HUGE! We also shared a side dish of sotong.
It started to drizzle a tad and after Alan visited a few camera shops in the vicinity, we made a beeline for QV and popped into Big W (Elaine's recommedation) and was wowed by the baby clothes. Of course, I did not waste any time in selecting quite a few rompers and shirts and pants for Ah Boy! :)))))
We had extended our stay in the Crown Plaza for the day and so we headed back at around 430pm to shower and feed ET before checking out at 6pm. A mistake we made however was to purchase the latest timing plane tickets for the day (0005hrs on 7/7) to maximise our stay. We were bored to bits after checking out as all the shops had closed for the day.
We took a drive around St. Kilda's and saw the Luna Park in the dusk. Then, I suggested heading to Chinatown, for the lacking of something better to do. We parked and walked there and bought (wrongly) a small bag of green tea nuggets for Zesa. ;p Then, we decided to do dinner at Crown Bakery along Swanston.
Alan had a delicious Lamb Shank and I could only stomach a fruit tart as my lunch had not been entirely digested. Then, we topped up petrol at a station in town and commenced our journey to the airport.
Along the way, our trusty garmin GPS screwed up and constantly 'recalculated' the route. Alan was cursing and swearing whilst I silently prayed in the backseat. Thankfully, after a while, it finally decided to show us the way to MEL.
Upon reaching MEL, we dumped the car at Thrifty and shivered in the rain (it was FINALLY cold enough to make us shiver) before checking in our baggage. Alan was impressed by how neatly and thoroughly wrapped our car seat was for A$10 and I missed an 'interesting show' whilst in the loo - a lady ( woman more like it) had missed her flight and was kicking up a big fuss in the airport, alternating between fucking e'one and kneeling down at the reception to beg to be allowed on the plane. ahahha. Ethan also tried to entertain a surly Chinese lady next to him, bearing the hopes of being offered a slice of the apple she was munching (to no avail, of course).
We got on the plane and horrors of horrors the bassinet seats were DIRECTLY next to each other. Poor Alan slept in between Ethan and a very irritating 9 month-old Indian baby who spent the 7 hours (a) kicking Alan, (b) blowing saliva at Alan or (c) kicking AND blowing saliva at Alan. He also fussed throughout the whole journey incessantly and our poor Ethan, who was all knocked out from the 12 day trip and who was sleeping soundly in my arms for most part of the flight, woke up a couple of times because of the bugger to sigh and then close his eyes and go back to slumber. Poor thing!
This was (I think) my 4th trip to Melbourne and 3rd to the GOR but I thoroughly enjoyed myself and so did Alan. This trip did Ethan a whole lot of good and our lil' one has come out of his shell and is a much friendlier baby than previously :) Hurray!
Learning Points:
1) GPS can screw up, so do get road maps ready - just in case!
2) Australians are SO MUCH friendlier than Asians and Ethan enjoyed interaction with them probably because of their bright and sincere smiles and also their high-pitched singsong voices when talking to him.
3) There are so many more choices of baby purees and yoghurts etc in Australia than in Spore / KL.
4) Go to Queen Victoria market when it's closing time to pick up super good bargains of fresh produce. E.g. (and I still can't get over it) one BIG CARTON of avocados (the size of my palm each) for A$2 at 2pm. The hawkers will slash their prices and compete to finish selling their wares.
5) Fresh milk from the cow's udders smells strong and of our tinned full cream milk powder.
6) Fresh farm eggs have such BIG yolks and are of a bigger size than the normal ones you purchase in the cartons.
7) Cows do come home, after all!
8) Don't have to overbring diapers - I brought a total of 57 and used miraculously 56! *clap clap* Talk about the powers of estimation.
9) Invest in good seats for the penguin parade. The A$80 we paid in total was worth it when we saw Ethan staring face-to-face at the little feathered creatures who came home at dusk.
10) Family trips like this are exceptionally good for bonding - especially betw Father and Son! :) Alan is much more affectionate and patient towards ET now and the latter is also more accomodating towards him. hahahaha. YaY
Now, to look forward towards Taiwan December 2010! *Beams*
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bye Bye KL, Hello Melbourne (again)
An hour after this time tomorrow, Alan, Ethan and I will be in the cab on our way to KLIA. We are bringing Ethan to chilly, wintery Melbourne! This is our first trip away with him (excluding Singapore and Cameron Highlands etc) and we are very excited but also a little worried (petrified, more like it). Just hope everything goes according to plan and he will behave himself and be an angel. :)
We are leaving KLIA for Spore (transit 1.5hrs) and then taking SQ direct from Spore to Melbourne, arriving in MEL at 620am. We will then collect the car and try to make our way successfully to Phillip Island 2.5hr's drive away from Melbourne airport. The adventure will begin then!! OOOOoOooo How exciting.
ANyway, Ethan turned 7months old today. How amazingly fast. and tomorrow, Alan and I will celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary on board the plane. haahahha. How lovely! *claps* OK just a short update - have to go n stuff MORE things into the suitcases ---> It's certainly NOT easy packing for a 10 day trip which comprises a 7month old kiddo. :(
I think this will be my 4th time placing foot on Melbourne soil. ahahahaha.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ethan has a COUGH :(
We went to Medicare on the 2nd floor of MVMM and although the clinic was empty, we had to wait for quite long for ET to be seen - such efficiency. The doctor, to my disappointment, wasn't the Chinese young man we had seen when I wanted confirmation for my pregnancy. He was a blur looking Indian doctor with VERY hairy arms.
Anyway, he took ET's temp (3 times) and then listened to his chest and also got him to open his (screaming) mouth. Then prescribed some medication for the inflammation. Then, again we had to wait for a long time to collect our meds. :P
Next stop - ZA ALtera. Alan needed to collect his jeans that had been sent for alteration. We stopped by the bank to change money as well and chatted with the over-friendly lady selling chinese cookies at the pushcart and next door to check about dowloading the Australian map onto the GPS.
Then, I popped into Cold Storage and picked up two avocados for Ethan and we quickly left for home so that I could feed him his dinner.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunny Sunday!
I tricked Ethan into finishing his sweet potato today with a small cube of laughing cow cheese - that did the trick! :D *Happy Mama* He also polished down his ounce of sweet corn puree with a knob of butter. The Father was impressed! :)
We wanted to sneak outta the house after that but in the midst of our dilly dally, Ethan had his 20minute power nap and then woke up just as we were about to leave. Hahahah. That prompted us to bring him out.
Making our way to Bangsar Shopping Centre, we spotted the Pets Lovers Centre in an obscure area in the car park! What a weird location! Anyway, we are thankful that we don't have to travel that far to buy dog food etc anymore ;)
We roamed aimlessly around with nothing in mind and also trying to decide where to eat. Exploring the new wing, we discovered a couple of stores had opened - Mothercare, Times the Bookstore and also a huge Guardian. Cool. Still purchase-less, we opted for Chilis for lunch.
"Disappointing" would be a good word to describe our meal - I had grilled chicken sandwich which came in a burger form. I was misled by the pic in the menu and had thought it was to be served with toasted bread like a club sandwich. And Alan, went against my wishes, and had his red meat as usual - mushroom swiss. I think the ones in BK taste MUCH better.:P The drink was shared - a sour milkshake of a variety of juices.
We headed into Cold Storage next - the real reason for coming to BSC. I picked up Ethan's RUSK teething biscuits (which will be brought to Australia) and also a small bottle of puree to feed Ethan at KLIA before we board our flight to Singapore (to transit to Melbourne :P)
After that, we headed home for Ethan to rest (read: roll all over the bed and pretend to sleep).
In the evening, after En returned from the pasar malum, she took over Ethan and I went out for dinner with Alan to have his favourite (read: can eat e'single day) fish head beehoon soup. We picked up 5 blurays to stock up as well and went into Sri Kota for some chicken.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
A Special Saturday Morning
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday Night at Bangsar
We had nothing to buy, for once. But I wanted to play blowing bubbles

Alan looked like a tourist with his GF1 hanging from his neck and he snapped pictures of Ethan like a paparazi. heehe. The Husband is pleased with his new toy and is practising for our trip to Australia. hahahaha.
ANW, we left Toys R' Us and popped into the dvd shop Rockcorner or something like that. There was nothing to add to our collection. We walked around aimlessly, trying to decide where to have dinner. For Goodness Sake (the Jap liquor)

Video Ezy allowed us to purchase our evening entertainment - a Chinese movie (Fire of Conscience) which boosts many well-known actors such as Leon Lai and Richie Ren.
Our next stop was The Village Grocer. Ethan was enthralled by the wide array of colourful
vegetables and fruits.

I wanted to check out their yogurt selection as it will almost be time for Ethan to be introduced to this yummy delight. All their frozen yogurts are low fat or no fat but they have the non-frozen pasturized type which they displayed above the formula milk for babies.

We bought a box of Laughing Cow cube cheese though. I am going to try and 'trick' Ethan into finishing his sweet potato puree with that. haahha. Wish me luck!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Have a Little Faith
Anyway, Ethan has been introduced to quite a variety of foods - *proud mama beams at this juncture*. There are three vegetables - carrots and sweet potato and corn. And 5 kinds of fruits - banana, papaya, avocado, peach, apple. In another day or two, he will try his daddy's favourite fruit MANGO! It's all pureed and waiting for him in frozen freshness. :) He tried sweet corn with a knob of butter today and polished everything off the plates quite promptly. I am thankful. :P
We will be leaving for Melbourne in a week's time. I've got to get off my ass and start packing!!! My goodness. There will be tonnes to bring this time and since it's chilly winter there, I must be well-prepared to brace Ethan for winter! :) Our itinerary has been planned and it's pretty much flexible and easy-going. Nothing to strenuous for Papa and Mama Bear since it's our first trip with the little one and we are not sure how good a traveller he'll be.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Gastronomical Sins
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Alan and I were so tired out this morning (around 1030am). Ethan was put to bed early last night and he woke up at around midnight to do his business and sing loudly. hahahaha. Yes , he sings at the top of his voice and chooses unearthly hours too! Anyway, after Alan changed his diaper, I fed him and then he pooed AGAIN. By the time his eyelids drooped, it was almost 230am. OMG. I was absolutely zonked out. Unfortunately, he roused again a few hours later, to have his milk again. THEN, at 730am, he woke up and started singing (me a Happy Mothers' Day song) and after another feed, all of us collasped until 1030am.
Unfortunately, Ethan had no appetite for his sweet potato puree and millet cereal this morning and hardly touched any. I was so exhausted that I was keen to call off the outing we had planned.
After a cuppa tea however, I was revitalised and we decided to leave the little one at home and make our way to The Curve/ Ikano Power Centre and IKEA. I know it's ironic to leave ET at home to celebrate Mothers' Day, but it was a good idea because Alan and I really enjoyed ourselves. hahahaha
Lunch was a decadent affair at a Taiwanese restaurant at The Curve.
We roamed back to IKEA after our waistline-busting meal to pick up a couple of items in the crowded IKEA. We needed a RM45 high chair for Ethan for him to join us for meals at home, a big plastic box container to store his food and drink cutlery etc when not in use and etc. We were very much on task and got the two items, plus an extra cute cushion for Ethan for his high chair
After placing the items in the car, we made a beeline for the Pet Safari at Ikano Power Centre. We needed dog food and Jay Jay's Eye Envy lotion had run out. I chose bags and bags of doggie treats for the furry sons as well. The damage, after discount, was a hefty RM300+!!!
It was nearly 530pm when we arrived home, exhausted but very, very fulfilled. hahaha.
p/s: The husband is a sweetie and 'surprised' me with a pair of Destinee (Lee Hwa) ear-rings for Mothers' Day! Xie Xie Laogong! I Love You!!! :D
8 May 2010 (Saturday)
This morning, at around 1030am, the Tan family popped by again to kindly pass us big bags of books for Ethan.
After I fed Ethan (sweet potato puree and carrot puree - OMG so ORANGE) today, he bathed and had a nap before we left for MVMM. Alan wanted to eat Oh Sushi again so there we were. it was a good meal which was healthy

Off we sprinted, after our late lunch, to the Moms and Babies Expo at the top floor of MVMM. I was itching to see what the fair had to offer and hoped to pick up some stuff for Ethan. However, it was disappointing and we left , after a few minutes, just picking up some old copies of Parenthood- a magazine in KL about babies / toddlers. They were at 3 for RM10. Sad to say, our only other purchase was a packet of wet wipes. ;p
We were already very exhausted after that saga but decided to shop around for Ethan's cold wear for our Melb trip. Finally, we spotted a suitable light wind-breaker (the other shops did not carry his size) at Adam's Kids, which was miraculously going for 70% off~!! YaY!! Of course we bought it!!
After that, we popped into a pharmacy and bought Vaseline for all our potential chapped lips (in lieu of Melb's wintery chill) and then left for home, satisfied. :D