Friday, October 2, 2009

Eeriely insecure

It's amazing how the smallest of items will seem like a big deal to someone else.

I will leave things up to your imagination with regard to this. :P

Well, today, the whole family (JCo included ) will be making a trip (2hour drive) to Muar. Tonight, my FIL will be throwing a dinner buffet at his house in celebration of Sharon's wedding. We can look forward to lotsa good food again. :D I've baked approx 30 chocolate muffins to bring there as well. Hope they will be a HIT!

Tomorrow night, Sharon and CHris will host their Malaysian wedding dinner in Xin Xin restaurant in Muar. I am SO GLAD I did not have to go through with that when I got married to Alan. *phew- wipe sweat off brows* Saved myself alot of hassle when my inlaws invited their relatives up to Singapore instead of us travelling down. :D

Be back on Sunday to rest and relax before Alan embarks on another stressful week at the office.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sharon & Chris' Wedding

We headed back to Spore on Thursday 24th September and got home after a 4hr drive at nearly midnight. Alan was starving so we headed to buy meepok before arriving home in Siglap.

25th September 2009 Friday

We woke up late and left the house late. Having been invited to a buffet luncheon at Orchard Hotel, Alan and I indulged in local cuisine and chatted with Mum and Dad and Chris and his mother.

Then, we picked up some muffins at the hotel for Zesa and family and then went to fetch our baobei Ash home.

After dropping Zesa off at Bugis and Ash off at home, it was time to head towards Hougang to visit Vicky and her newborn. Elaine gave us directions when our GPS couldn't be trusted and finally we got there. Vicky's daughter (whose name will probably be Rain / Clouds/ Thunder), has lashes longer and curlier than famous Bollywood actresses and she will definitely grow up to be a beauty. :) I finally got over my trepidation of small fragile babies and carried the little one :)

We got home around 9pm and showered and had dinner with Mum at 9+pm. Then, Yvonne came over with Paul and the two preggers compared belly shapes and sizes till almost 11pm.

Saturday 26th September 2009

We roused early and went to fetch TK and then headed to my inlaw's place. The bride was all made up and dressed and she looked lovely ! :D There were to be 10 sisters and 10 brothers and boy was the flat sweltering. After Chris barged in to claim the bride, we hastily left for Amara Sanctuary.

Alan and I dashed off to practise our emcee speech and then I had a quick shower before the make-up artist coloured my face. and then it was TIME.

The luncheon started at around 130pm and we invited all the guests to stand to welcome in the bride and groom. Everything went smoothly but ended pretty late at around 5pm.

After e'thing was over, we were exhausted and headed home to jump into bed till almost 9pm. Then, we went for a late dinner of frogs legs porridge at Geylang G7, after collecting some stuff from Kee Kiat at the Waterina.

Sunday 27th September 2009

Although we had planned to sleep in, we still woke up at around 9+am. After sending mummy to Parkway parade to pick up a present, we proceeded to Centrept for brunch (of meesiam / pohpiah / yam cake) and then met my inlaws for some shopping.

We picked up MORE baby stuff in Robinson's even though we had thought we had bought almost e'thing. We bought some baby bath foam / bottle and nappy detergents etc. Tea break was at Toast Box and I chatted with an overly-friendly old lady who shared with me all her four delivery experiences :P

Soon, after picking up some dog food for Bizzy and Myra, we headed to far east plaza because Alan wanted to buy some stuff for his RC Car. I felt so outta place shopping in Far East - a shopping haven for the young and annorexic, that i was yearning to leave ASAP.

We went to pick up TK again and this time joined Chris and family as well for dinner at Bien Tin at OCBC Centre at Chulia Street. The food was goood and we enjoyed ourselves and overate as usual.

Monday 28th September 2009

I headed to Parkway by bus myself and did some shopping (a nursey rhyme book for Ethan and a newborn to 1 year baby book for myself) at Borders before Kala turned up (late as usual).

Starving because I hadn't had bf, I ordered a set lunch at Swensen's (soup / soft drink / chilli prawn pasta) and after devouring that, enjoyed a hot fudge sundae. Oooolalaaaaaa.. I swear I shall go on a strict diet after my confinement.... :X

After chit-chatting with Kala for almost 3hours, I bade her farewell (the poor soul had to go to school) and shopped around. I bought some stuff at Kiddy Palace and then also went into Isetan for MORE baby stuff. Then, to satisfy my cravings of yester-year, I bought 5 polar cafe sugar rolls (1 each for everyone in the household).

Alan fetched me after his business lunch and meeting with CTO and we went back to siglap.

After stopping by at the ATM and the NTUC, we drove through a Mac's to pick up burgers for dinner and then left the causeway at around 630pm and arrived back in KL, Bangsar at approx 10pm.