After tuition this evening, Alan came home and we brought Ethan out. We are trying to bring him out of the house more often to socialise and also to 'see the world', just in case he thinks that the world is made up of only two bedrooms and one living room.
We had nothing to buy, for once. But I wanted to play blowing bubbles

with Ethan in our garden so we proeeded to Toys R' Us

at Bangsar Shopping Village.

I found the bubbles and they cost

an amazing RM7.95 for each bottle. I refused to buy them! Gonna make my own, albeit outta soapy water. I havent decided what item can be used to blow the bubbles from - Ening said that in her kampung, they use papaya leaves~ Interesting eh?
Alan looked like a tourist with his GF1 hanging from his neck and he snapped pictures of Ethan like a paparazi. heehe. The Husband is pleased with his new toy and is practising for our trip to Australia. hahahaha.
ANW, we left Toys R' Us and popped into the dvd shop Rockcorner or something like that. There was nothing to add to our collection. We walked around aimlessly, trying to decide where to have dinner. For Goodness Sake (the Jap liquor)

beckoned and we decided to give it a shot. Both of us had cold noodles

and shared a plate of deep fried oysters

and a plate of beef-wrapped asparagus. Nice. The service was so good that they got their chef to slice us wedges of fresh carrots when we rejected their appetiser dish of cabbage and dip. The damage was around RM60 only and Alan tipped them gratefully. :) Ethan was also v cooperative and lulled himself into a slumber

just before we started on our meal and roused just after we dabbed our mouths with our paper napkins after polishing off every morsel of food.
Video Ezy allowed us to purchase our evening entertainment - a Chinese movie (Fire of Conscience) which boosts many well-known actors such as Leon Lai and Richie Ren.
Our next stop was The Village Grocer. Ethan was enthralled by the wide array of colourful
vegetables and fruits.

I wonder when he can sit in the trolley and be pushed around? hahaha
I wanted to check out their yogurt selection as it will almost be time for Ethan to be introduced to this yummy delight. All their frozen yogurts are low fat or no fat but they have the non-frozen pasturized type which they displayed above the formula milk for babies.

Maybe that is suitable? I need to do more research :D
We bought a box of Laughing Cow cube cheese though. I am going to try and 'trick' Ethan into finishing his sweet potato puree with that. haahha. Wish me luck!
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