Hello folks. It's almost 11pm but the night is still young - especially since its a Saturday night. hahaa. I love weekends cos I have my baby around me most of the time. Only today, he went to play golf with some business associates early in the morning.
Today I occupied my time with feeding my Sugar Puff and watching Cinderella Man. Very good show. ALmost brought tears to my eyes..How much a man would sacrifise for his children and wife. *weep* ahhaha.
We just came back home from Jalan Alor where we had a great dinner (we're getting sick of home-cooked food) of steamed pomfret, satay, butter prawns,sambal kangkong all for RM60! How touching! I disregarded my diet for tonight ( and highly likely tomorrow as well) but hey, I've been eating healthy food for almost a week now! ;p
Alright, we are going to watch some scary movie on DVD now and eat our succulent green grapes we bought from Alor. Such is the life... I seriously cannot imagine spending my weekends marking and preparing for class...How did I get thru my 6 years in MOE? ;p
tata for now folks... love.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Happy Awal Muharam (Thursday was a Public Holiday!)
Good afternoon folks! As of 12noon today, I have finally stopped living outta my suitcase. haahha. This bag of lazybones has finally sorted things out and strewn all my clothes n whatnot into the ample storage space provided by our apartment. I am so amazed, till today, at the number of drawers and cupboards and cupboards containing drawers that are all available to me. No More Clutter, I Solemnly Swear! Hahaha.
It's a very gloomy Friday (TGIF?) and I'm alone at home (what's new?). Washing more clothes today and gonna bathe the doggie when the weather gets a lil' better. Yesterday, we slept in till 10+am. Astonishing as on a normal day, Jay Jay's growling stomach would have prompted him to commence his morning soprano by 8+am. We hit Mid Valley Mega Mall again , this time to upgrade the new ambisound home theatre system we had bought a couple of days ago.
Brunch was a sinful Burger King set meal for Alan and I tried guiltily to minimise the calories by just having the single Mushroom Swiss. Hmmm..I must say that the standard of BK has surpassed Spore's. (Of cos my sampl size is only Mushroom Swiss - I don't eat anything else at BK, even in SIN.) The mushroom didn't hv that plasticky taste that is oh-so-common in SIN.
We wanted to catch a movie (we havent tried the cinema here) but the snaking queue deterred us almost immediately. (I miss KLCC) so we walked around and ran some errands. We bought Jay Jay another waterbottle as his is leaking , at Pet Wonderland (not v big, not v wonderful) and also ventured to the new mall next door, The Gardens.
The Gardens is very much like KLCC, only smaller. It contains high-class boutiques and a Robinsons. We scouted around for Art Friend - as you would guess, it's an arts and craft shop (we hv one in Taka SIN as well) -but its collection of stuff was dismal. I had half-decided to create a Welcome Sign for our new home until I realized I had to buy more stationery (paints, letters etc). I guess I shall stick to clay figurines for now. ahhaha.
Then we opted for an earl grey and a cafe latte at St. Cinnamon and shared a walnut cinnamon bun to rest our tired feet. Even so, we were still exhausted from the mindless shopping and decided to head home for a rest before hitting the driving range at Alan's c'try club.
Of course, the 'rest' turned into a longer nap than expected and because Alan wasn't feeling v well too, we decided not to leave our house and started cooking dinner at around 730pm to eat to live.
Ok ok , I confess that The GM is a better cook than The Housewife cum Maid. So I left the frying of the BitterGourd with Egg and the Dark Sauce Ginger Chicken to him and started laying the table. Dinner was served by 845pm... *smack lips*

Pic A -"Dong Dong Chiang"
Pic B -The dancing lions were 'feeding' the people mandarin oranges, possibly symbolising good luck?
Pic C - A big-eyed boy we met whilst having our afternoon tea.
It's a very gloomy Friday (TGIF?) and I'm alone at home (what's new?). Washing more clothes today and gonna bathe the doggie when the weather gets a lil' better. Yesterday, we slept in till 10+am. Astonishing as on a normal day, Jay Jay's growling stomach would have prompted him to commence his morning soprano by 8+am. We hit Mid Valley Mega Mall again , this time to upgrade the new ambisound home theatre system we had bought a couple of days ago.
Brunch was a sinful Burger King set meal for Alan and I tried guiltily to minimise the calories by just having the single Mushroom Swiss. Hmmm..I must say that the standard of BK has surpassed Spore's. (Of cos my sampl size is only Mushroom Swiss - I don't eat anything else at BK, even in SIN.) The mushroom didn't hv that plasticky taste that is oh-so-common in SIN.
We wanted to catch a movie (we havent tried the cinema here) but the snaking queue deterred us almost immediately. (I miss KLCC) so we walked around and ran some errands. We bought Jay Jay another waterbottle as his is leaking , at Pet Wonderland (not v big, not v wonderful) and also ventured to the new mall next door, The Gardens.
The Gardens is very much like KLCC, only smaller. It contains high-class boutiques and a Robinsons. We scouted around for Art Friend - as you would guess, it's an arts and craft shop (we hv one in Taka SIN as well) -but its collection of stuff was dismal. I had half-decided to create a Welcome Sign for our new home until I realized I had to buy more stationery (paints, letters etc). I guess I shall stick to clay figurines for now. ahhaha.
Then we opted for an earl grey and a cafe latte at St. Cinnamon and shared a walnut cinnamon bun to rest our tired feet. Even so, we were still exhausted from the mindless shopping and decided to head home for a rest before hitting the driving range at Alan's c'try club.
Of course, the 'rest' turned into a longer nap than expected and because Alan wasn't feeling v well too, we decided not to leave our house and started cooking dinner at around 730pm to eat to live.
Ok ok , I confess that The GM is a better cook than The Housewife cum Maid. So I left the frying of the BitterGourd with Egg and the Dark Sauce Ginger Chicken to him and started laying the table. Dinner was served by 845pm... *smack lips*
Pic A -"Dong Dong Chiang"
Pic B -The dancing lions were 'feeding' the people mandarin oranges, possibly symbolising good luck?
Pic C - A big-eyed boy we met whilst having our afternoon tea.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Foaming underwear
It's the wee hours on a Wednesday morning and Alan and I are both online. Hhahaha But not chatting with each other unlike how we previously used to when we first got to know each other. The clock is ticking and he is dog-tired but he just loves to maximise his nights ;) Anyone who can guess what he is surfing for wins an all-expense trip for two to the sunny concrete jungle of KL! Clue: It has something to do with the new home theatre system we bought.
It's been 3 days since we've moved into our new haven and we are loving every minute of it. Alan hasn't much time to lounge in our home though as he's always out at work and we have been shopping for house stuff e'day since Sunday.
However Thursday is a public holiday (M'sia has 19 vs S'pore's 13? hahaha eat your hearts out, guys!) and we vow to stay in to enjoy and relax in our new nest :) and create more clay figurines. We are gonna graduate into human figurines -lifelike ones- instead of adding to the many generations of bearbears. hahaha.
Spent quite a bomb over the past few days buying a wide variety of items - e.g. a doggie bag to carry Jay Jay around in, muffin baking pans, some frames to develop and hang up our nicer wedding pics on the numerous walls in our apartment and tonnes of groceries to get us (me mainly) going thru' the days and nights. I even spent Rm9.90 on a small little clay angel (the size of yr handphone accessory) - Handmade in Korea but easily made and modified in KL, Seri Tiara hahaha. I am simply amazed by my competence in handicraft. ;p
I will start blogging regularly again as Robin has kindly loaned me his lappie and this housewife is connected once again! Sure beats staring at the google box the whole day! Well, at least MONK, my fav show, was on Starworld today. Our new ambisound home theatre system will arrive only end of the month though.
12:48 9 Jan 2008 (Wed)
I'm starting to learn how to use the provided washing machine and getting increasingly frustrated. Apparently each load needs to be very small if not the blardie thing can't even conjure up enough energy to spin. My god! *rolls eyes to the heavens* Now I will have to do washing EVERYDAY??!!?? You've got to be kidding. There are better things to do in life than to watch your foaming undies go round and round, round and round.
It's Wednesday afternoon and I have yet to unpack our suitcases. Maybe I should get cracking now that the safe has just been brought to our room? Ok, I shall summon all reserves of enthusiasm to accomplish this task now................
It's been 3 days since we've moved into our new haven and we are loving every minute of it. Alan hasn't much time to lounge in our home though as he's always out at work and we have been shopping for house stuff e'day since Sunday.
However Thursday is a public holiday (M'sia has 19 vs S'pore's 13? hahaha eat your hearts out, guys!) and we vow to stay in to enjoy and relax in our new nest :) and create more clay figurines. We are gonna graduate into human figurines -lifelike ones- instead of adding to the many generations of bearbears. hahaha.
Spent quite a bomb over the past few days buying a wide variety of items - e.g. a doggie bag to carry Jay Jay around in, muffin baking pans, some frames to develop and hang up our nicer wedding pics on the numerous walls in our apartment and tonnes of groceries to get us (me mainly) going thru' the days and nights. I even spent Rm9.90 on a small little clay angel (the size of yr handphone accessory) - Handmade in Korea but easily made and modified in KL, Seri Tiara hahaha. I am simply amazed by my competence in handicraft. ;p
I will start blogging regularly again as Robin has kindly loaned me his lappie and this housewife is connected once again! Sure beats staring at the google box the whole day! Well, at least MONK, my fav show, was on Starworld today. Our new ambisound home theatre system will arrive only end of the month though.
12:48 9 Jan 2008 (Wed)
I'm starting to learn how to use the provided washing machine and getting increasingly frustrated. Apparently each load needs to be very small if not the blardie thing can't even conjure up enough energy to spin. My god! *rolls eyes to the heavens* Now I will have to do washing EVERYDAY??!!?? You've got to be kidding. There are better things to do in life than to watch your foaming undies go round and round, round and round.
It's Wednesday afternoon and I have yet to unpack our suitcases. Maybe I should get cracking now that the safe has just been brought to our room? Ok, I shall summon all reserves of enthusiasm to accomplish this task now................
Sunday, January 6, 2008
The Day We Moved to the Valleys
Bye Bye Lanson Photos:

Ceiling of Lanson Place

The Xmas tree in the lobby (Lanson)

Our barang barang

Aerial View of Lanson Place apartment from our 18th storey.

Our new bedroom at Seri Tiara

My new dressing table in the bedroom. Overlooks hills and vast vegetation.

Zesa and Yusheng's room. ahhaha

The Kitchen- where I belong

Our bathtub ;)

The Living Room (JayJay's posing for the pic)
6 Jan 2008 (Sunday)
Hello folks. It's almost 11pm and after a long and tiring day, Alan and I are lounging in our new living room and watching tv. (Actually he's watching golf on tv and I am surfing the internet obviously.)
Quite exhausted after the move (even though I hardly lifted a finger, except to carry JayJay and some light bags). We haven't really settled in yet and there are still some boxes left unopened. But hell, I have all the time in the world! Shall unpack our ornaments, aroma therapy burners, toys etc etc. hhahaha. *fun fun* Love the feeling of setting up our new home together!
Today, after the two Indian movers and Nicky and Robin came to help us move, we bade farewell to Lanson Place at approximately 1230pm and zoomed off to Seri Tiara, Mid Valley. The drive was smooth and thanks to the GPS, we got there without a hassle (read perenial traffic jam).
After we checked in, we went to Mid Valley Mega Mall and had lunch at Kenny Rogers. Sharing half a black peppered chicken with 3 sides, a banana muffin and a bottle of mineral water cost us a mere RM 23.90. Yumz. Truly, the standard of KR is better than S'pore's.
Then it was off to BEST to scout ard for a home theatre system. We decided on the Philips ambisound system which would surely add omph to our enjoyment of the 3million channels available to us on Astro. We were happily given a 100RM voucher to be used within 6 months as well.
Then we trudged to Carrerfour to stock up on the grocery supplies for The Housewife's sustenance. Canned food and dried foodstuff more than anything else. Then it was Home Sweet Home.
7 Jan 2008 (Mon)
I spent the better part of today unpacking our 18 (yes, that's the amount of stuff we've chalked up in such a short time) boxes. Books, burners, BearBears etc...were all laid neatly and nicely in shelves, on tabletops and on the sofas. Very soon, The Apartment transformed into Our Home.
Louisa, the very sweet Guest Relations Officer came and we did the inventory list toge. Of cos being S'porean, we had to nit-pick as well and we highlighted certain issues that we would like to see changes made to. We want a lower balconey table and chair (what we have now are like bar tables and stools - classy but uncomfortable), a nicer dining table, a not-chipped dresser etc etc...
It was almost 4 plus when I showered and got the security guard to hail me a taxi to Alan's office at Jln P Ramlee. We were gg to buy a sun-looking light to be installed in our house. FengShui lah. I arrived at his office less than 15minutes after Mr Taxi-driver, and I embarked on our journey and I was amazed that there was no jam to be endured, especially since it was also pouring kittens and puppies.
Robin's friend's shop was a Molecule-like one with beautiful furniture for sale. I ooooohh and ahhhhhhhed at the MOS-swinging cocoon seat that was retailing for RM3999. Now, if Alan had been posted to Bangkok instead of KL, we could have gotten it at a third of the price! Then I'd be a swinging married woman! ;p However, I doubt Seri Tiara mgt would be pleased with a heavy cocoon attached to the ceiling hahaha. And my MIL would sigh at me not saving for a rainy day, So I wiped my lust away and proceeded to choose a sun-light (pardon de pun).
Ceiling of Lanson Place
The Xmas tree in the lobby (Lanson)
Our barang barang
Aerial View of Lanson Place apartment from our 18th storey.
Our new bedroom at Seri Tiara
My new dressing table in the bedroom. Overlooks hills and vast vegetation.
Zesa and Yusheng's room. ahhaha
The Kitchen- where I belong
Our bathtub ;)
The Living Room (JayJay's posing for the pic)
6 Jan 2008 (Sunday)
Hello folks. It's almost 11pm and after a long and tiring day, Alan and I are lounging in our new living room and watching tv. (Actually he's watching golf on tv and I am surfing the internet obviously.)
Quite exhausted after the move (even though I hardly lifted a finger, except to carry JayJay and some light bags). We haven't really settled in yet and there are still some boxes left unopened. But hell, I have all the time in the world! Shall unpack our ornaments, aroma therapy burners, toys etc etc. hhahaha. *fun fun* Love the feeling of setting up our new home together!
Today, after the two Indian movers and Nicky and Robin came to help us move, we bade farewell to Lanson Place at approximately 1230pm and zoomed off to Seri Tiara, Mid Valley. The drive was smooth and thanks to the GPS, we got there without a hassle (read perenial traffic jam).
After we checked in, we went to Mid Valley Mega Mall and had lunch at Kenny Rogers. Sharing half a black peppered chicken with 3 sides, a banana muffin and a bottle of mineral water cost us a mere RM 23.90. Yumz. Truly, the standard of KR is better than S'pore's.
Then it was off to BEST to scout ard for a home theatre system. We decided on the Philips ambisound system which would surely add omph to our enjoyment of the 3million channels available to us on Astro. We were happily given a 100RM voucher to be used within 6 months as well.
Then we trudged to Carrerfour to stock up on the grocery supplies for The Housewife's sustenance. Canned food and dried foodstuff more than anything else. Then it was Home Sweet Home.
7 Jan 2008 (Mon)
I spent the better part of today unpacking our 18 (yes, that's the amount of stuff we've chalked up in such a short time) boxes. Books, burners, BearBears etc...were all laid neatly and nicely in shelves, on tabletops and on the sofas. Very soon, The Apartment transformed into Our Home.
Louisa, the very sweet Guest Relations Officer came and we did the inventory list toge. Of cos being S'porean, we had to nit-pick as well and we highlighted certain issues that we would like to see changes made to. We want a lower balconey table and chair (what we have now are like bar tables and stools - classy but uncomfortable), a nicer dining table, a not-chipped dresser etc etc...
It was almost 4 plus when I showered and got the security guard to hail me a taxi to Alan's office at Jln P Ramlee. We were gg to buy a sun-looking light to be installed in our house. FengShui lah. I arrived at his office less than 15minutes after Mr Taxi-driver, and I embarked on our journey and I was amazed that there was no jam to be endured, especially since it was also pouring kittens and puppies.
Robin's friend's shop was a Molecule-like one with beautiful furniture for sale. I ooooohh and ahhhhhhhed at the MOS-swinging cocoon seat that was retailing for RM3999. Now, if Alan had been posted to Bangkok instead of KL, we could have gotten it at a third of the price! Then I'd be a swinging married woman! ;p However, I doubt Seri Tiara mgt would be pleased with a heavy cocoon attached to the ceiling hahaha. And my MIL would sigh at me not saving for a rainy day, So I wiped my lust away and proceeded to choose a sun-light (pardon de pun).
We settled for a really sun-looking light and after 10% off (thks, Rob!) we left for Mid Valley. Alan wanted to change the ambisound home theatre system for a better one (not my fault ah). We also did MORE grocery shopping, this time for more than canned food. haha. I can envisage, that after 3 years in this c'try, I'll return to SIN with my crowning glory thinning for all that MSG accumulated ;p
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