Another weekend which feels like a weekday. Alan's back in Singapore for work and a wedding dinner and Ethan and I are coping well w/o him around. The Burping Duties are taken over by the Mother who sometimes just cannot, no matter what, instigate a burp. haha.
He's finally asleep now. Fell asleep in the baby sling around me. This lil' fella enjoys that alot and I have no regrets buying that bright orange sling for The Baby Loft. Paid almost RM100 for it though. :P
I'm going to take a nap now.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
The Price of Vanity
Nothing much to update. Alan left for Singapore at 2pm yesterday afternoon. So it's Ethan, the maid and me for the next few days till he returns on Monday! At least there will not be a squeeze in bed for the next few nights. (I am looking on the brighter side of things nowadays.)
Time really flies now that Ethan is here. Just when I think I can get a breather, he will cry again and demand to be fed/ changed/ showered kisses. But he is a cutie and I am happy to have him around. I love to hug him to sleep, whilst he is nursing and then watch him fall asleep on my chest. This feeling is irreplaceable. Considering that I never wanted children, I think I have come a long way :P
Today was my third urut session and it was a more humane more (as I had fervently requested for). I was all bruised and battered from my second (just yesterday) and here the burly woman was again, tormenting me outta my skin. OMG.
My urut lady has a weird problem with time though. She was supposed to turn up at 11am yesterday but at 1145am she had not come. So I called her and she said that her daughter was having tuition and could she please come at 1230pm instead? HMMmmm.. She never bothered to call me to rearrange the timing. :P
And then today, she was supposed to come at 1130am but 'ding dong' my doorbell rang at 11am. omg. Maybe she can't tell the time very well? no leh.. she leaves on the dot, after our 75minute session. hmmmmmmmmm
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Urut- OUCH!
wooooo.. I just finished my first urut session and boy was it painful. Interestingly, I thought that the stomach area would be the most painful to urut but in actual fact, the thighs and arms area hurt the most.
I will be having a session (75mins) daily (excluding this coming Sunday) for a total of 10 sessions. The husband will be forking out RM800 (that's around sgd$36/ session) in total and I will be given an ikat cloth. This cloth acts like a girdle and binds the bountiful belly. I am supposed to wear it for at least 8hours / day. The privileges of Motherhood! :P
I will be having a session (75mins) daily (excluding this coming Sunday) for a total of 10 sessions. The husband will be forking out RM800 (that's around sgd$36/ session) in total and I will be given an ikat cloth. This cloth acts like a girdle and binds the bountiful belly. I am supposed to wear it for at least 8hours / day. The privileges of Motherhood! :P
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Failed Urut & Sphagetti Marinara
Today, the Urut lady, who was supposed to come at 11am for my first session, decided that she was too lazy and therefore smsed me 45mins before the session to tell me she was not coming. *sigh* :P
Anyway, I sneaked out together with Alan to Bangsar for lunch. I wanted Japanese but after climbing up to the second floor of BSV, we realised that Sakae Sushi had closed (DAMN). We walked here and there and finally settled for D'lish.
I wanted Salmon Teriyaki but in the end, had what Alan ordered (Sphagetti Marinara)
because of time constraints. By the time we got home, Ethan had woken up and gone back to sleep (w/o drinking any of the expressed milk in the fridge).
Here are some more pictures of Ethan, taken today - to satisfy the excited grandparents. :)

Monday, November 30, 2009
Our little Prince, Ethan - After one month

Today, after a long long time, En and I were left at home alone with Baby Ethan. Alan went back (relunctantly) to work in the morning and the responsibility of taking care of the little one, fell heavily upon both our shoulders. So far so good though, thankfully.
The normal routine (if there is one) is to bathe him after he wakes up.
During the first month of his existence, bath time was roughly around 9am and the Confinement Lady would take that shift, after she baked him in the sun for a short while. I would then quickly wash up and prepare the udders in anticipation of another feed after he got cleaned and sweet-smelling.
After the CL left, and for the past one week, Alan and I bathed him diligently. And today, En and I did a good job. :) Ethan's bath time is getting later and later though. ahhaha TOday it was at 10am. But then again, we don't have a plane to catch!
After the bath and dress up session, Ethan will have his feed again (or if he is drowsy, we will skip that till later) and then be put to bed- alone this time. I am afraid he has become very dependent on me. He's always sleeping on our bed (thank god it's king sized!) and in between Alan and I. (There's truly a third party in my marriage!) Ethan loves to have a warm hand placed on his chest for a sense of security whilst he sleeps. And most of the time, he falls asleep just like that (hence the creation of the aching-hand-syndrom) whilst facing me. :) It's a great feeling to drift off to slumberland whilst looking at your little one. Reminds me of the song in Ammagedon, "I could stay awake, just to watch you sleeping.." Just scrap the 'stay awake' part, cos I can hardly keep my eyes open.
At 5+, 6pm, it's time again, after countless of feeding sessions, to have a wipe-down before "bedtime". This little prince is a night owl though and most of the time, his 'bedtime' is after midnight. :P To keep my sanity, I try to have a short nap or two throughout the day.
Both Papa and Mama have distinguished a couple of his cries as well. His "I-want-milk-NOW" cry goes like this: "O LEHHHHHHH O LEHHHHHH" hahahah. It's quite comical, really. And his "I-have-poo-poo-in-my-pants" cry is an urgent cry of distress coupled with arms and legs thrashing in mid air. The face he makes whilst he burps is a classic though, and my favourite. hahaha. If he's really sleepy, he will attempt to look up at his burper (the person burping him) and little fine lines will appear on his forehead. He will (try) to hold his head up as well. And of course, he will turn tomato red. hahaha. CUTE!
The little Darling's Poo poo is a fish curry (yes the type you dip your crispy prata into) colour and it is excerted in loud and forceful spurts. hahahha. The deaf also will be able to hear him go after a big meal. He has a tendency to pee after his bath as well and the degree of projectile will surely impress. So far, he has treated a couple of people to "tea" already.
He has begun, a week or two ago, to make weird animal noises as well. ahahha. Very hard to describe but super entertaining. This occurs during burping sessions or certain pockets of time when he is alone in his cot and entertaining himself.
Baby Ethan's "smiles' are still muscular twitches
(the baby book says that only after 6 weeks old will a newborn's smile light up his eyes) but there was once, last week, when he was lying on my lap when Ethan gave me a BIG BRIGHT GRIN (that reached his eyes) suddenly. I was mesmerized and went 'ooooohhhh" and ' ahhhhh' and then, seconds later, I found out the reason for the glee - he had peed on my pants!!! ahhahaha. The cheeky monkey!! Luckily he's too cute for me to exact revenge on!
Alright, before I go on and on gushing about my son, I better pen off now and take a quick power nap. ;)
The normal routine (if there is one) is to bathe him after he wakes up.
After the CL left, and for the past one week, Alan and I bathed him diligently. And today, En and I did a good job. :) Ethan's bath time is getting later and later though. ahhaha TOday it was at 10am. But then again, we don't have a plane to catch!
After the bath and dress up session, Ethan will have his feed again (or if he is drowsy, we will skip that till later) and then be put to bed- alone this time. I am afraid he has become very dependent on me. He's always sleeping on our bed (thank god it's king sized!) and in between Alan and I. (There's truly a third party in my marriage!) Ethan loves to have a warm hand placed on his chest for a sense of security whilst he sleeps. And most of the time, he falls asleep just like that (hence the creation of the aching-hand-syndrom) whilst facing me. :) It's a great feeling to drift off to slumberland whilst looking at your little one. Reminds me of the song in Ammagedon, "I could stay awake, just to watch you sleeping.." Just scrap the 'stay awake' part, cos I can hardly keep my eyes open.
At 5+, 6pm, it's time again, after countless of feeding sessions, to have a wipe-down before "bedtime". This little prince is a night owl though and most of the time, his 'bedtime' is after midnight. :P To keep my sanity, I try to have a short nap or two throughout the day.
Both Papa and Mama have distinguished a couple of his cries as well. His "I-want-milk-NOW" cry goes like this: "O LEHHHHHHH O LEHHHHHH" hahahah. It's quite comical, really. And his "I-have-poo-poo-in-my-pants" cry is an urgent cry of distress coupled with arms and legs thrashing in mid air. The face he makes whilst he burps is a classic though, and my favourite. hahaha. If he's really sleepy, he will attempt to look up at his burper (the person burping him) and little fine lines will appear on his forehead. He will (try) to hold his head up as well. And of course, he will turn tomato red. hahaha. CUTE!
Ethan's favourite sleeping place in the house is in our hall. I think he much prefers the ceiling fan to the airconditioning. Also, he absolutely adores his rocker chair
(courtesy of Grandpa and Grandma) from Fisherprice and he snoozes in the chair a couple of times a day. Jay Jay and Coco however, make it difficult for Ethan to get a good nap. They are very concerned about him and come up close to check on him every now and then. They also sleep by his side in a bid to protect him. But, they do bark loudly at strangers outside the house and this startles Ethan (arms flung out -> eyes open -> loud wails) and therefore does not make this sleeping arrangement very conducive. :P
He has begun, a week or two ago, to make weird animal noises as well. ahahha. Very hard to describe but super entertaining. This occurs during burping sessions or certain pockets of time when he is alone in his cot and entertaining himself.
Baby Ethan's "smiles' are still muscular twitches
Alright, before I go on and on gushing about my son, I better pen off now and take a quick power nap. ;)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
One Month Weight & Length
Oppps. I forgot to update something really important: That the stuff that mothers and fathers judge their success of parenthood on for their newborns...
Ethan was born on 26th October 2009 and weighed 2.49kg and had a length of 44.5cm then.
A week later, when we brought him to the doctor, his weight had plummetted 300g to 2.2kg and he was 45.5cm long.
Yesterday, at the doctor's, we weighed him with bated breath and he had put on almost a cool 1kg in 3 weeks to reach 3.245kg and his length is 48.7cm! *clap clap* I am glad he is getting somewhere with my breast milk :P
Ethan was born on 26th October 2009 and weighed 2.49kg and had a length of 44.5cm then.
A week later, when we brought him to the doctor, his weight had plummetted 300g to 2.2kg and he was 45.5cm long.
Yesterday, at the doctor's, we weighed him with bated breath and he had put on almost a cool 1kg in 3 weeks to reach 3.245kg and his length is 48.7cm! *clap clap* I am glad he is getting somewhere with my breast milk :P
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