I did not manage to catch a movie myself yesterday. However, I did slot P.S. I Love You into the dvd player and use up two pieces of tissue paper. Wow. the movie made me reflect about losing a loved one and I vow to appreciate every living moment we have together. Life is too short. But I still wanna go to Russia. hahaha I digress...
Anyway, I went off to Mid Valley Mega Mall yesterday at around 5pm. It was such lovely weather that I actually walked there without breaking a sweat. I shopped at this fair and bought some cutie stuff for my kiddo's lessons and then sat prettily at Coffee Bean, delighted with the company of my Sunrise and magz and waited for my baby.
We initially wanted to settle dinner at Kenny Roger's but walked to the wrong end of MV basement. So we ended up at domino's pizza for a sinful but dirt cheap meal. A regular pizza, two soups, twisted garlic bread and two drinks cost us RM31. OMG.It also cost me a thicker waistline but that's what I deserve...
After that, we picked up some groceries and then headed home.
Saturday 24 May 2008
I woke up at 9am and Su Li came for tuition at 10am. Our two hour lesson was painless and we went through the paper she had recently set for. Then Alan and I set off for Pavilion to catch an old Harrison jumping onto trucks and kicking bad a$$es in the ba//s.
Our lunch was 'fine Korean cuisine' which was bland and tasteless but not as expensive as the restaurant looked. Our Korean ginseng chicken cost Rm40. And for once, we did not over-order. hahaha (probably because there was nothing else on the menu to order?)
I so loved Indy's adventures and the thrills and spills when I was a little girl but now it just put yawns in our mouths... especially since we were sitting between two couples who kept chattering. The couple on my left was Malay and the guy kept making wise cracks and the girl kept giggling like a bimbo. they finally stopped when I shhhhh-ed loudly. The couple on Alan's right was even worse. the lady apparently could not understand English and the whole movie was translated to her by the man. OMG.
After the 2.5hr long movie, we grabbed a tasteless dinner at Food republic. I had "pan mee" and Alan had assam laksa. We both didn't finish our meal. :P
We went to Times Square to pick up Alan's helicopter spare parts and then had some coffee and tea at Old Town White Coffee.
We are home now and watching P2 on dvd. :D
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hey guys. I am definitely in a more upbeat mood. I just finished my first and last lesson of the day and will now embrace the day (by myself) hahaha.
I wanna go catch a movie and maybe do a facial and (of cos) shop. see you all around. *muacks*
I wanna go catch a movie and maybe do a facial and (of cos) shop. see you all around. *muacks*
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday Blues
I have just finished 2 hours of tuition with the taitai who is going to get her boobs done next week. Her husband dictates that she does it (and has been nagging for a year) even though she's happy with her body. Men nowadays like to tell women what to do and what not to do. They impose their opinions and views and always get their way. But in actual fact, the women have to be blamed sometimes... If we give in too much, soon we will all be taken for granted. We will be relegated into the kitchen, to cook (and burn) and clean (the mountainous dirty dishes). We will be expected to wait patiently for other 'better' half's return, no matter how late in the evening. We will bring the slippers and draw water from the well and cook it on the stove for The Master's bath water. We will wait in anticipation everynight to provide pleasures (massage lah, what were u thinking!?!)
So, My decision has been made. I WILL stand up for what I want to do and DO IT ANYWAY. This is a FABULOUS OPPORTUNITY and I'd be a fool to let it bypass me. Even though there will be opposition in the way. Of course, that's dependent on whether I will be offered or not. But that's besides the point.
There is little to be made and little fulfilment to be reaped as a tuition teacher in KL or in any country in truth. Firstly, the miserable pay amounts to nothing after a long day's work. I can spend it in a few minutes. (not that I have time to shop anyhow).Then, I am cooped up in my ivory tower, away from the REAL WORLD. I used to be such a social person but now, I stare at the (more than) four walls daily. i don't even switch on the tv nowadays. Of course, CGS was a warzone, but I have lost the zest for suriving in this boring country too.
Need to get out more and see the world. When I can finally embrace Travel and Living, I don't wanna be constrained no more.
So, My decision has been made. I WILL stand up for what I want to do and DO IT ANYWAY. This is a FABULOUS OPPORTUNITY and I'd be a fool to let it bypass me. Even though there will be opposition in the way. Of course, that's dependent on whether I will be offered or not. But that's besides the point.
There is little to be made and little fulfilment to be reaped as a tuition teacher in KL or in any country in truth. Firstly, the miserable pay amounts to nothing after a long day's work. I can spend it in a few minutes. (not that I have time to shop anyhow).Then, I am cooped up in my ivory tower, away from the REAL WORLD. I used to be such a social person but now, I stare at the (more than) four walls daily. i don't even switch on the tv nowadays. Of course, CGS was a warzone, but I have lost the zest for suriving in this boring country too.
Need to get out more and see the world. When I can finally embrace Travel and Living, I don't wanna be constrained no more.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hey guys,
I am feeling very down and need someone to talk to but I am so far away from everyone. Sigh. I shall bitch about it online then.
Have you ever been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and been very excited about it, only have your enthusiasm dampened by others. Silly reasons were given that would not amount to any and there simply cannot be a good enough reason not to embrace this chance.
But here I am, with a downcast mood. I will let nature take its course and wait for the verdict. This is a time when I miss the availability of friends and family members for good counsel and advice.
I am feeling very down and need someone to talk to but I am so far away from everyone. Sigh. I shall bitch about it online then.
Have you ever been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and been very excited about it, only have your enthusiasm dampened by others. Silly reasons were given that would not amount to any and there simply cannot be a good enough reason not to embrace this chance.
But here I am, with a downcast mood. I will let nature take its course and wait for the verdict. This is a time when I miss the availability of friends and family members for good counsel and advice.
Hard at Work
20 May 2008 (Tuesday)
Back to Life, Back to Reality.
2-3pm was spent 'forcing' Hayden to come up with a story of The Naughty Elephant who refused to share his fruits and ended up being very unhappy.
330-430pm was spent with Avik doing research on Japan for his school holiday assignment.
Alan picked me up at 8+pm and we headed to The Gardens for a 'simple' dinner. Our steamed fish, frog legs kongbao and long beans cost us RM140+! Good grief! It was one of the more expensive meals we had enjoyed in KL. Expensive but delicious.
I went to Art Friend to purchase paper and other materials for Avik's project.We picked up some groceries from Cold Storage after that.
21 May 2008 (Wednesday)
Whilst my husband headed out early today (to fetch Chairman and CEO from the airport), I had also to grapple with quite a few tuition classes today. 930-1130am Anviksha came and we wrote Act 5 for her Frankenstein play together. At 1130am, Avik turned up and in the end, all three of us worked on his Japan Project. damn I chipped my french manicure whilst sticking stuff to the booklet. ;P
We stuck Jap food like wangwan biscuits, crackers, soba, and some pictures. And drew stuff like the Japanese flag and pasted it on the sheets of coloured paper. I had also printed out some pictures of cherry bloosoms, ramien, etc all to be pasted inside his "book". We also wrote a reflection of his interview with a japanese couple living in Sri Tiara. :D I am sure Avik's gonna win a prize for "his" creation. ;p I have value-added to my services as a tuition teacher :P
I have just finished a lesson with Hayden and helped his mum polish off some of his snacks. hahaha. Now, I'm waiting for 6pm when Dania will arrive and as the clock strikes 8pm, I will end my last class of the day. Phew.
Back to Life, Back to Reality.
2-3pm was spent 'forcing' Hayden to come up with a story of The Naughty Elephant who refused to share his fruits and ended up being very unhappy.
330-430pm was spent with Avik doing research on Japan for his school holiday assignment.
Alan picked me up at 8+pm and we headed to The Gardens for a 'simple' dinner. Our steamed fish, frog legs kongbao and long beans cost us RM140+! Good grief! It was one of the more expensive meals we had enjoyed in KL. Expensive but delicious.
I went to Art Friend to purchase paper and other materials for Avik's project.We picked up some groceries from Cold Storage after that.
21 May 2008 (Wednesday)
Whilst my husband headed out early today (to fetch Chairman and CEO from the airport), I had also to grapple with quite a few tuition classes today. 930-1130am Anviksha came and we wrote Act 5 for her Frankenstein play together. At 1130am, Avik turned up and in the end, all three of us worked on his Japan Project. damn I chipped my french manicure whilst sticking stuff to the booklet. ;P
We stuck Jap food like wangwan biscuits, crackers, soba, and some pictures. And drew stuff like the Japanese flag and pasted it on the sheets of coloured paper. I had also printed out some pictures of cherry bloosoms, ramien, etc all to be pasted inside his "book". We also wrote a reflection of his interview with a japanese couple living in Sri Tiara. :D I am sure Avik's gonna win a prize for "his" creation. ;p I have value-added to my services as a tuition teacher :P
I have just finished a lesson with Hayden and helped his mum polish off some of his snacks. hahaha. Now, I'm waiting for 6pm when Dania will arrive and as the clock strikes 8pm, I will end my last class of the day. Phew.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Discovery: Travel and Living
Sunday 18 May 2008
we woke up a bit earlier and then went to MVMM and had Toast Box for breakfast. Ordering too much as usual, we polished off peanut butter toast, otak toast, eggs, meesiam and tea / coffee. Amazing, because lunch was due in 1.5hours time.
Next, Kajang satay (the place where Zesa ordered 10 sticks of pork satay) was on the itinerary and Alan drove 20 mins to get us there, avoiding reckless motorcyclists who exhibited death-defying swerves in our way. We ordered beehoon goreng pattaya, kuay teow goreng and beef, mutton and rabbit (!) satay. After chomping down the delicious fare, we went outside to stroll through the pasa malam. I bought a shirt that reads, "Available tonight; Limited Time Offer"! Only Rm12 - The T-shirt, I mean. ;p

Home was a sweet welcome after the long day out and after our showers, we started our nightly ritual...and soon *pong* and *kang* and *hu* shouts were heard and Jean rubbed her hands in glee, having won a whopping Rm12 during one game. ahahha. ;p
19 May 2008 (Monday)
Happy Wesak day. Yes, I know how it sounds like but it is spelt like that here. ;p
I cooked bf of ramly burgers (plus egg n cheese) and sweet potato soup to suit all palates and we dined at ard 10+am. We played hangman on my whiteboard and entertained ourselves..
1pm: Lunch was at Robson's and we ordered a vege soup, shen mien, sea cucumber and fish maw and also a vege. We leave promptly at 2pm and Alan began his long drive to KLIA and LCCT to send the Goh family off. :D
That marked the end of the Malaysian Experience Shopping Extravaganza (4D3N).
we woke up a bit earlier and then went to MVMM and had Toast Box for breakfast. Ordering too much as usual, we polished off peanut butter toast, otak toast, eggs, meesiam and tea / coffee. Amazing, because lunch was due in 1.5hours time.
Then, it was zi you huo dong again and we met again at 1230pm ( I was empty-handed) to adjourn to Uncle Jimmy's shop Chinatown Classics. Then, we walked to The Gardens to eat taiwanese food. Uncle Jimmy treated us and I decided to have porridge as the meesiam was still churning... We chit-chatted till around 2+pm and then bade each other farewell. 

Berjaya Times Square was next and that was where I discovered My New Favourite Shopping Mall! Hahhaha. Thanks Bertha for the tip! :D Hours of fun were spent shopping and I behaved like a tourist, buying every single purchase I set my eyes on... After 2 hours, we all met again and I had 8 pieces of clothing in my bags and also a hair treatment lotion!
Alan had bought himself a special present: A helicopter!! Wowee.. Mummy also was victorious and held up bags of spoils of her victories. And Jean had finally purchased her (Bum Equipment) wallet. Yvonne did not leave empty-handed as well but I shall not spoil the surprise. :D 

The Indoor Amusement Park in Times Square!
Berjaya Times Square was next and that was where I discovered My New Favourite Shopping Mall! Hahhaha. Thanks Bertha for the tip! :D Hours of fun were spent shopping and I behaved like a tourist, buying every single purchase I set my eyes on... After 2 hours, we all met again and I had 8 pieces of clothing in my bags and also a hair treatment lotion!
The Indoor Amusement Park in Times Square!
Next, Kajang satay (the place where Zesa ordered 10 sticks of pork satay) was on the itinerary and Alan drove 20 mins to get us there, avoiding reckless motorcyclists who exhibited death-defying swerves in our way. We ordered beehoon goreng pattaya, kuay teow goreng and beef, mutton and rabbit (!) satay. After chomping down the delicious fare, we went outside to stroll through the pasa malam. I bought a shirt that reads, "Available tonight; Limited Time Offer"! Only Rm12 - The T-shirt, I mean. ;p
Home was a sweet welcome after the long day out and after our showers, we started our nightly ritual...and soon *pong* and *kang* and *hu* shouts were heard and Jean rubbed her hands in glee, having won a whopping Rm12 during one game. ahahha. ;p
19 May 2008 (Monday)
Happy Wesak day. Yes, I know how it sounds like but it is spelt like that here. ;p
I cooked bf of ramly burgers (plus egg n cheese) and sweet potato soup to suit all palates and we dined at ard 10+am. We played hangman on my whiteboard and entertained ourselves..
1pm: Lunch was at Robson's and we ordered a vege soup, shen mien, sea cucumber and fish maw and also a vege. We leave promptly at 2pm and Alan began his long drive to KLIA and LCCT to send the Goh family off. :D
That marked the end of the Malaysian Experience Shopping Extravaganza (4D3N).
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Discovery: Travel and Living
Saturday 17 may 2008
We woke up late as all of us had slept at 2+am the morning before. Then, I fried pancakes for a light breakfast. After chomping down those, we proceeded to 1-Utama for MORE shopping. We had brunch at SOHO and May treated us to a delightful dimsum meal..

Then the shopping began~~
I wasn't in the mood though (Amazed?) and went to get myself a mani and pedicure. I chose a spa pedi for Rm50 and my french mani was Rm38. I was done by 330pm and Alan had already had his hair cut at Michael and Guys.
The gang was bored though at 1-Utama (I quote May," I best buy was the Shilin chicken") and clamoured to go to Sungei Wang again. So we did.
We went our separate ways in Sungei Wang and I bought Alan a present for our coming 1 - year anniversary (yes how time flies..): An Oakley pair of Sunglasses. :D In return, he has booked us on a resort getaway the weekend after our anniversary as his CEO will be in town on our anniversary day. ;P
We went for a prawn noodle and beef horfun dinner at Imbi
and then went home after unsuccessfully trying to purchase some durians to add to our fat content. We have just finished playing MJ and all are resting now. I am typing this whilst waiting for the husband to go to bed and also am spinning dry the clothes...
We woke up late as all of us had slept at 2+am the morning before. Then, I fried pancakes for a light breakfast. After chomping down those, we proceeded to 1-Utama for MORE shopping. We had brunch at SOHO and May treated us to a delightful dimsum meal..
Then the shopping began~~
I wasn't in the mood though (Amazed?) and went to get myself a mani and pedicure. I chose a spa pedi for Rm50 and my french mani was Rm38. I was done by 330pm and Alan had already had his hair cut at Michael and Guys.
The gang was bored though at 1-Utama (I quote May," I best buy was the Shilin chicken") and clamoured to go to Sungei Wang again. So we did.
We went our separate ways in Sungei Wang and I bought Alan a present for our coming 1 - year anniversary (yes how time flies..): An Oakley pair of Sunglasses. :D In return, he has booked us on a resort getaway the weekend after our anniversary as his CEO will be in town on our anniversary day. ;P
We went for a prawn noodle and beef horfun dinner at Imbi
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