Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ethan has a COUGH :(

Yesterday, after Alan knocked off, he came home straight and brought Ethan and I to MVMM. Ethan was suffering from an intermittent cough and we wanted it treated so that he can enjoy the chilly wintery Australian air soon.

We went to Medicare on the 2nd floor of MVMM and although the clinic was empty, we had to wait for quite long for ET to be seen - such efficiency. The doctor, to my disappointment, wasn't the Chinese young man we had seen when I wanted confirmation for my pregnancy. He was a blur looking Indian doctor with VERY hairy arms.

Anyway, he took ET's temp (3 times) and then listened to his chest and also got him to open his (screaming) mouth. Then prescribed some medication for the inflammation. Then, again we had to wait for a long time to collect our meds. :P

Next stop - ZA ALtera. Alan needed to collect his jeans that had been sent for alteration. We stopped by the bank to change money as well and chatted with the over-friendly lady selling chinese cookies at the pushcart and next door to check about dowloading the Australian map onto the GPS.

Then, I popped into Cold Storage and picked up two avocados for Ethan and we quickly left for home so that I could feed him his dinner.

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