Today was exciting. I was due to meet my "long-lost" friend. I hadn't met Ryan in years ( at least 3 ) and we were slated to catch up at Bakerzin at Paragon. I was of course fashionably late ( I still refused to take a cab even though I had missed the bus) and strode violently under the scorching sun to Paragon from Orchard Mrt.
Like super good friends, the years of absence did not cause too long a period of awkward silence and we quickly gave each other a summary of our lives over the past few years. It was really fun and we reminisced about the good ol' days...
It was around 3+pm when he had to leave and we promised to meet up more often and not wait till three years later to arrange another meeting. (I've realised something: Friends make more effort to meet up with me since I am located so far away...haahah).
After Ryan left, I proceeded to shop around in Orchard road whilst waiting for my dinner appointment-makers. After hitting tangs and far east plaza, I still turned up amazingly empty-handed at the dinner venue. Restaurant Ayam Bakar at Lucky Plaza.
My NIE friends Yati and Nana were to dine with me there and Alan joined us after his short booze session with his Boss. We chatted and ate and forgot to take photographs (hence explaining the lack of pictures in this entry) and updates were shared as well.
30 April 2008 ( Wednesday)
Vince picked me up for a breakfast meet-up and we chatted for almost 2 hours at Kiliney Kopitiam near my house. The meesiam was satisfying and the teh si delicious.
Afterwhich I rushed home to shower (again- yes I am a clean freak) and then headed to Clarke Quay Carpenter road for my (free) facial. I had done a survey recently whilst waiting for my mum outside PS and now I was rewarded a facial for me to try this BF parlour's products / services.
The beautician got me to change and lie down and then started to cleanse my face. Almost immediately, she tried to hard sell me some oxygen facial to be done hand in hand with my own free facial. I shook my head politely and told her that I had purchased a package somewhere else already and was just there to try their services. She however, ignored me and spent the next 15mins going on and on about what she was trying to promote me. In the end, I still ended up victorious and left the spa with my face intact and not having spent a single cent. (applause pls)
I shopped a lil at Central then left to meet Mum at Centrepoint after her own facial. We waited and Alan joined us and we had lunch at Eatz at the basement. The noodles wasn't too bad and after that we went for a movie - Iron Man! It's cool. Go catch it! UOB was giving a discount as well and each tic only cost $6! How touching!
Then we had dinner at Siglap fishhead steamboat and relived the ol' times. Yum.
1 May 2008 (Thursday and Labour day)
We woke up late and relished the sleep in. Then Alan and I decided to hit the shops. We went to Raffles City and then to Vivo City before going to chinatown for an hour of massage. *Delicious* Then we went to fetch my mum from her work place and went home for a feast.
My father-in-law had tapaoed a roasted duck and my mum had bought a whole mountain of food for dinner. Yam basket, pig's trotters, vege, fried egg etc lined our table and my in-laws (including sis-in-law n future husband) and all of us feasted. It was absolutely sinful. :(
2 May 2008 (Friday)
I had arranged to meet Gary and Stephen at Plaza Sing Bakerzin without realising it had closed down / moved... In the end, Stephen didn't get my message stating change of venue and he didn't turn up!
After lunch with Gary, I took a bus quickly down to Suntec to meet the girls. They were however going to be (very) late and therefore I went to entertain myself first. In the end, Because they were late, I bought 2 polo-tees (for golf) and 1 t-shirt (for tuition use) and 1 pair of sport socks. Hahaha. *sigh* I have such lousy will power.
Finally, they all turned up (45mins late) and we decided (after 5 laps around the fountain) to eat at Surf N Turf. A Lousy choice it turned out to be. The food wasn't very special and tasty. But the company made up entirely for it. We laughed at weird jokes (peiting's of course) and "chickennutbread" hahahaa. and then took stupid photos for the rest of the night.
The girls were so sweet and snatched my credit cards away (after I whipped them out one by one) and insisted on treating me to dinner. So I treated them to Yammi Yoghurt which I was having a craving for.
After that, Alan joined us and we drove around looking for a bowling alley. We ended up at ECP Marine Bowl, amist many weird-looking, threatening people. We thankfully were given a corner lane and started our game.
That evening, we realised (a) Edwyna cannot bowl for nutz , (b) Pearlyn's balls are straight and powerful , (c) Peiting loses her touch after her fourth frame and (d) Ms Sharon Goh can win her husband in bowling.
Hahhaha. It was almost 2am after we sent all the gin nahs back home. Peiting to Tanjong Pagar, Edwyna to Teban Gardens and lastly Pearlyn to Hougang. Oh my god. However, the greed just took over at 145am and Alan and I adjourned to the meepok stall along East Coast Road to satisfy our cravings and hunger pangs. hHahhahaa.