27 May 2009 (Wednesday)
As the title of this blog entry suggests, Alan n I celebrated our wedding anniversary the whole of today. He took leave and brought me out. Yay!
In the morning, we went to our gynae again to have our routine check-up. It was also time for us to find out on the gender of the child but the Naughty One had his / her legs crossed and refused to allow us a peek into the future. However, Alan is still very convinced that it is a Son because of a little hint the baby gave. But I'm not announcing till when I am sure.
Baby @ 15wks 4days old
After the appointment (we were awfully grateful Dr Wong wasn't his usual late self), I took a blood test and collected some medication before we headed to the delivery suites. Quite OK and the father even has a comfortable arm chair and the tv to watch when I am screaming and tearing my hair out. How considerate of them!
The maternity wards were all full and we couldn't pop our heads into the wards but perhaps on our next trip, we would be able to get a clearer picture of what a suite (no less please!) would look like. The baby sleeps with the mummy in this hospital and that's nice.
After we left the hospital, we made a bee-line to Pavilion. We parked at Alan's office and strolled there and went to check out what movie there was to watch. 450PM I Corrupt All Cops (by Eason Chan, Tony Leung etc. Then, we hopped over to Red Box to croon and croon and enjoy a buffet luncheon set up and a free flow of soft drinks. hahaha. Per pax was RM18++ only! OMG!
After we had our lunch and screeched to our hearts'content, we left at 3pm and wandered around Pavilion. We went into Parkson and realised that they are going to have a Babycare sale from this weekend onwards. OH YEAH! Then, we went to share a toast at Toastbox at the foodcourt so I could take my pill.
The movie was quite interesting and depicted HongKong police in the 60s and 70s and how before colonial influence they were all (or mostly) corrupt. Quite an eye-opener.
Dinner was a stroll away at Starhill Gallery. We ate at Jgoya, a Japanese buffet restaurant which we had eaten at last Valentine's Day. At RM100 per pax, it was mighty steep and not worth the while because I wasn't very hungry.
AGain, I hung out at the soup section most but tried a variety of other stuff and left some space in my tummy for the wide array of desserts. There were macaroons, cookies, fruits, tarts, pies, cakes and HAAGEN DAZ icecream!
We got home at around 10+pm and went to bed by midnight after berating our daughter for forgetting our anniversary. hahahaa.
In the morning, we went to our gynae again to have our routine check-up. It was also time for us to find out on the gender of the child but the Naughty One had his / her legs crossed and refused to allow us a peek into the future. However, Alan is still very convinced that it is a Son because of a little hint the baby gave. But I'm not announcing till when I am sure.

After the appointment (we were awfully grateful Dr Wong wasn't his usual late self), I took a blood test and collected some medication before we headed to the delivery suites. Quite OK and the father even has a comfortable arm chair and the tv to watch when I am screaming and tearing my hair out. How considerate of them!
The maternity wards were all full and we couldn't pop our heads into the wards but perhaps on our next trip, we would be able to get a clearer picture of what a suite (no less please!) would look like. The baby sleeps with the mummy in this hospital and that's nice.
After we left the hospital, we made a bee-line to Pavilion. We parked at Alan's office and strolled there and went to check out what movie there was to watch. 450PM I Corrupt All Cops (by Eason Chan, Tony Leung etc. Then, we hopped over to Red Box to croon and croon and enjoy a buffet luncheon set up and a free flow of soft drinks. hahaha. Per pax was RM18++ only! OMG!
After we had our lunch and screeched to our hearts'content, we left at 3pm and wandered around Pavilion. We went into Parkson and realised that they are going to have a Babycare sale from this weekend onwards. OH YEAH! Then, we went to share a toast at Toastbox at the foodcourt so I could take my pill.
The movie was quite interesting and depicted HongKong police in the 60s and 70s and how before colonial influence they were all (or mostly) corrupt. Quite an eye-opener.
Dinner was a stroll away at Starhill Gallery. We ate at Jgoya, a Japanese buffet restaurant which we had eaten at last Valentine's Day. At RM100 per pax, it was mighty steep and not worth the while because I wasn't very hungry.
AGain, I hung out at the soup section most but tried a variety of other stuff and left some space in my tummy for the wide array of desserts. There were macaroons, cookies, fruits, tarts, pies, cakes and HAAGEN DAZ icecream!
We got home at around 10+pm and went to bed by midnight after berating our daughter for forgetting our anniversary. hahahaa.