It's approximately 1pm on a gloomy Tuesday and somehow I can't find the urgency to "Wake Up". I've been in a sleep-like state for the past few hours. Could it be my blocked nose? The aftereffects of the 2 white pills I took last night? Hmm perhaps it's just boredom. hahaha.
After tuition last nite, my head was spinning. Not just with the experience of having to share what is a Noun, Verb, Adjective and Adverb over and over again but also with the amazement of how local education standards for the English Language are so very lacking.
My student, a HR Manager, enrolled herself into the TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) course to improve her English. There is a great diversity amongst the students in her class in terms of their aptitude and academic backgruond. There are those professionals who have no experience whatsoever in teaching and those teaching in pre-schools all the way to teachers from international schools of tertiary levels.
Ironically, this HR Manager is taking tuition with me to improve her English to take TESL to improve her English. Get it? I don't! Especially since she ain't thinking of teaching English to begin with! My goodness! *slap forehead*
The scanner component of our spanking new printer is not working. The service man , who was slated to arrive by 11am today, obviously has not shown his face yet. In Malaysia, when someone says "11am", I think you can add another 3 or 4 hours to it. ;p
There's tuition again this afternoon and tonight. And since I had burnt dinner last evening, whilst baking cookies, Alan has kindly offered to bring home dinner for me. hee hee hee! The advantages of having a nice husband (who doesn't enjoy burnt dinners).
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
My New Student
Oh yah, how could I have forgotten to mention? I have accepted a new student. Her name is Stephanie and she's an Indian HR Manager! hahaha. We will be starting lessons this evening from 7-9pm and she has graciously agreed to come all the way to Sri Tiara for classes.
The End.
The End.
The WEAKend
Father and Son Bonding
The Ladybird Gang!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been feeling under the weather again. *sigh* Think I've been cooped up too much in this house. Need to get some fresh air. I shall stand for 2.34 hours at the balconey today and contemplate about Life. :p hahaha
Anyway let's recap what this tai tai was up to all weekend:
Friday 14 March 2008
I went to MVMM again by myself. Met Fernando and his whole entourage of drama troupe managers from Uruguay on board the 2pm shuttle bus and we chatted. Apparently they were off to central market and chinatown. I forewarned them of the boredom that hits you once you reach central market but they were interested in the puppet performance there. I also told them that Chinatown was not known to be the world's safest and told them to watch out for their bags and belongings.
I lined up for a couple of minutes to purchase a ticket to watch 10,000 B.C. and munched on a 1901 ground beef hotdog for lunch during the movie. Ahhhh the storyline was fantastical and itneresting and the main actor's abs and pecs kept me riveted to the screen. Good Movie!
Then I headed to CarrerFour to buy special ingredients. I wanted to whip up a Vietnamese Beef and TangHoon salad for my baby. In the middle of queueing to pay for my purchases, Alan called and told me that he was not going for his golf session to spend more time with me today! Awwwwwww... Of course, chauffeur services were volunteered so I headed to Coffee bean to grab a sunrise whilst I waited for his arrival.
Home Sweet Home. Alan played LOST whilst I quickly made the salad- easier than I thought-and that sufficed as dinner that night.
Saturday 15 March 2008
Alan made bf for me this time and I headed off to tuition from 9-11am. The donuts I had bought for my tuition kid and her brother put a smile on their faces. :D hahah the mother also told me, at the end of the session, that Anviksha enjoys my lessons tremendously. hahaha. How nice!
Alan was running away from the Black Smoke as I got home and I quickly cooked ee-mee and kuniako jelly for lunch. Then, we lounged around the house until around 5+pm when we decided to go to KLCC to wash the car and also to catch a movie.
After queueing for a short while at the ticketing booth, we realised that Rule #1 ( the one with Eekin and Fiona Xie) was shown in cantonese. And becos I was not feeling well, I didn't hv the energy to strain and read the subtitles , so we called it off.
Dinner was at Chilli's and Alan had his N.Y. Strip and I, the Lamb Shank. Nice!
Then it was back home again to rest and recuperate.
Sunday 16 March 2008
We made fluffy pancakes (with cheese, strawberry jam, honey and butter) for BF. And then proceeded to shower and leave for Low Yat. We were on a MISSION!
Maxis was having a road show there at Plaza Low Yat and I signed up for a Malaysian No. at last! Since I am getting more and more tuition enquiries and students, it's high time I become more contactable!
Alan also bought this much-coveted Sony Vaio (Blazing Red) for office use. The virtues of being a Boss! *wistful sigh*
We also went to the hypermart to purchase a canon printer (for text and photos) for our usage. I would need to print out more stuff (notes / worksheets etc) soon and Alan? His photographs, of course! hahahah.
Lunch was at this eatery downstairs where I tried to stomach my porridge and Alan had his Jiar Jiang noodles.
We needed to Mattress World as advertised in Expatriate Lifestyle to buy pillows for our aching necks. But realised, to our dismay that it was actually Tempur. A few years ago, I had bought a Tempur for a hefty SGD $269 , and it had left me, not only with an aching heart but also aching shoulders and neck and a pounding headache after a while. No more tempur for me!
We headed to bangsar Village next to check more pillows out but stopped at Coffee bean for a camomile and cafe latte first. Next stop was Simmons' but the pillow though comfy was even MORE EXPENSIVE than tempur's. hahahah RM650! They must be MAD!
We left for home disappointed and damn exhausted.
I took a short nap to rest my feverish self whilst dutiful Alan set up the printer and tackled all the gadgets he had bought afew hours ago.
Then we drove to Robson Heights restaurant to have a quick bite of Fishhead Beehoon soup and some vege.
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