Parents are seriously stressing their children out nowadays and I doubt I wanna bring another little one onto this earth to suffer the trials and tribulations of growing up in a modernized and urban society where things change in a heartbeat and tuition and self-enrichment lessons are seen as a necessity. Oh hell, why am I complaining? I make a living from it! *slap forehead*
If I ever have a child, I think I'll be caught up in the Kiasu Mum Syndrome. Shuttling and scurrying along (with child in tow) for piano, swimming, ballet, computer, drawing, speech and drama, abacus classes (to be done simultaneously with the "CORE SUBJECTS" tuition.
In short, I will be a MONSTER MUM! And all the ringgit I earn will be pumped into such a bottomless pit.
There will be no more OSIM chairs. No more travelling around the world. No more eating of crabs soaked with delicious sauce. In short, no more LIVING. In their place? Stress. A gross lack of sleep. Wrinkles. and who can forget - a baby paunch. Now tell me people, why on earth would women wanna conceive?
Hahhaha, goodness know why I am going into such a tirade. and Mum, NOPE, I ain't preggie. hahaha. Too bad /good. USA hasn't beckoned yet, you know? *grins* Actually, life is good now and I have no complaints. I am too busy teaching other people's kids and loving every minute of it.
Of course some people's kids (adults) are damn bloody irritating. But that's another story again.
It has just started to POUR and Alan is snoring from a hard morning of golf with dunno which big shot. I had two lessons (2 hours each) this morning and I am feeling it as well. But I just can't bring myself to nap. I wonder why..........
I baked choco chip cookies the way of today and make some coconut cake-like dessert. Gonna give some to Neeru in return for her delicious chappati and curry that filled Alan and my tummy for lunch (together with the handrolls we had purchased in Cold Storage, The Gardens last evening).
Dinner was an adventure. We went in search of some doggie cookies at Old Klang Lama and found a Petsmore there. After buying Jay Jay, the spoilt brat, some milk and cheese cookies and some greenies, we decided to try something different! We were directed to a Zi Char place called "Restoran" New View. When we arrived there, we realised that it was more like a colourful hawker centre! There was satay, wantan mee, pig stomach's soup, cuttlefish kangkong (all these were on our table) and the other stalls sold ban mee, laksa, claypot and what looked like a very popular nasi lemak! We made a vow to try all these the next round ( we have three years here, we always tell ourselves, in order to prevent ourselves from ordering too much).
Then we strode back to our car in the rain, praying that it had not been stolen.
but the zi char stall was closed.