5 December 2007 Wednesday
Ahhh yes, yet another Wednesday when the movie tickets are priced at RM7/ticket. Whilst anticipating such a great deal, I entertained myself the whole of today by heading down to Hock Choon and buying groceries and also watching quite a few episodes of Tang Xin Feng Bao. Now I understand why my mummy always sits in front of the google box and swipes her eyes with tissue paper. As the horrors of the drama - 1st wife kenna cancer, 2nd wife is a conniving ol' bitch, best friend seduces bf of pal etc etc-unfolded before my very eyes, I sighed uncontrollably and tissue paper started to form mountains in front of the tv screen. In my pursuit of my next drama serial, I shall endeavour to choose something more light-hearted ;p
Anyway, as if reflective of my mood, it was drizzling when I left the house. I got the reception to call me a cab. As the cheerful porter bade me" goodbye ma'm", my mood started to lift until I settled down in the taxi and realised to my horror that the $%#@ driver was SMOKING in the cab. Now, if there's ONE THING I CANNOT STAND, it would be a smoking-taxi-driver.
I rolled down my window furiously and coughed audibly to ensure that my displeasure was expressed. However, he nonchalently continued coating his lungs with tar and flicking the ash outta the window onto the congested roads. I surpressed the urge to tell him off and risk getting carted away to timbaktu (he had the matt look) and gulped and wondered when would the ride be over. Thank God KLCC is so near Lanson!
After what seemed to be forever, we finally arrived at KLCC and I got off thankfully. The 5 minute ride was successful, however, in inflicting me with a pounding headache which was compounded by the fact that the queue for movie tickets was snaking. Anyway, there was no choice, for we had decided on Unrest that night and I was buying tickets for Alan, Nicky, Robin and myself.
Dinner was a quick affair at the foodcourt again and we settled with Thai food which is ironic, since we would be flying off to BKK 2 days later. O well... After chomping down our pad thai and fried tom yum bee hoon, we entered a state of Unrest.
The movie was painful and after the first 5 minutes, the guys started to stir. Well, at least there was a hunkie with great abs, to keep my attention. But there was lots of gore - I'm talking about dissection of a corpse until you can see the rib cage and the likes.. O mi god. We were all quite thankful to leave the cinema once the lights came on.
6 December Thursday
I'm packing for our BKK trip. Our flight's very early tomorrow morning (0750) and we will arrive in BKK at 0855! hahaha. How exciting! We'll be staying in my brother-in-law's apartment next to Chitlom BTM and then will hit the shops/massage parlours/restaurants etc! YES YES YES! :D
and the most fantastic thing is.. JAY JAY will be coming back home with us the day after we come back from BKK! Hahahaa. YAy!
oh my god! I spent my 1 hour kneading the clay, shaping it into a cute lil' mama bear and I just popped it into the oven. But it's BURNT TO ASHES NOW! *sob sob* Where's the husband when u need him?? My bear bear went up in flames! hahaha The whole apartment was smoking (literally) and I was so afraid that the water sprinkler would go off. hahahaa. Sigh. Now Papa Bear has no Mama Bear for company. Damn sad. But since this taitai has nothing better to do. I shall start on a new bearbear now. *pouts*
Picture on right shows my burnt Mama Bear..sigh.
Ahhh yes, yet another Wednesday when the movie tickets are priced at RM7/ticket. Whilst anticipating such a great deal, I entertained myself the whole of today by heading down to Hock Choon and buying groceries and also watching quite a few episodes of Tang Xin Feng Bao. Now I understand why my mummy always sits in front of the google box and swipes her eyes with tissue paper. As the horrors of the drama - 1st wife kenna cancer, 2nd wife is a conniving ol' bitch, best friend seduces bf of pal etc etc-unfolded before my very eyes, I sighed uncontrollably and tissue paper started to form mountains in front of the tv screen. In my pursuit of my next drama serial, I shall endeavour to choose something more light-hearted ;p
Anyway, as if reflective of my mood, it was drizzling when I left the house. I got the reception to call me a cab. As the cheerful porter bade me" goodbye ma'm", my mood started to lift until I settled down in the taxi and realised to my horror that the $%#@ driver was SMOKING in the cab. Now, if there's ONE THING I CANNOT STAND, it would be a smoking-taxi-driver.
I rolled down my window furiously and coughed audibly to ensure that my displeasure was expressed. However, he nonchalently continued coating his lungs with tar and flicking the ash outta the window onto the congested roads. I surpressed the urge to tell him off and risk getting carted away to timbaktu (he had the matt look) and gulped and wondered when would the ride be over. Thank God KLCC is so near Lanson!
After what seemed to be forever, we finally arrived at KLCC and I got off thankfully. The 5 minute ride was successful, however, in inflicting me with a pounding headache which was compounded by the fact that the queue for movie tickets was snaking. Anyway, there was no choice, for we had decided on Unrest that night and I was buying tickets for Alan, Nicky, Robin and myself.
Dinner was a quick affair at the foodcourt again and we settled with Thai food which is ironic, since we would be flying off to BKK 2 days later. O well... After chomping down our pad thai and fried tom yum bee hoon, we entered a state of Unrest.
The movie was painful and after the first 5 minutes, the guys started to stir. Well, at least there was a hunkie with great abs, to keep my attention. But there was lots of gore - I'm talking about dissection of a corpse until you can see the rib cage and the likes.. O mi god. We were all quite thankful to leave the cinema once the lights came on.
6 December Thursday
I'm packing for our BKK trip. Our flight's very early tomorrow morning (0750) and we will arrive in BKK at 0855! hahaha. How exciting! We'll be staying in my brother-in-law's apartment next to Chitlom BTM and then will hit the shops/massage parlours/restaurants etc! YES YES YES! :D
and the most fantastic thing is.. JAY JAY will be coming back home with us the day after we come back from BKK! Hahahaa. YAy!
oh my god! I spent my 1 hour kneading the clay, shaping it into a cute lil' mama bear and I just popped it into the oven. But it's BURNT TO ASHES NOW! *sob sob* Where's the husband when u need him?? My bear bear went up in flames! hahaha The whole apartment was smoking (literally) and I was so afraid that the water sprinkler would go off. hahahaa. Sigh. Now Papa Bear has no Mama Bear for company. Damn sad. But since this taitai has nothing better to do. I shall start on a new bearbear now. *pouts*