Ethan watching tv with big bright eyes
Last weekend was quite fulfilling. It all started on Friday 12 March 2010 evening when Alan came back home earlier than normal. It's great that he has moved his office. It's much nearer home and to get from Office to Home and vice versa, he can successfully avoid the common jams in KL.
We contemplated going out for the evening but luckily decided against it, even before he got home as a thunderstorm was brewing. We spent our evening indoors and watching a DVD. :)
Saturday 13 March 2010
I was zonked out after waking up as the night had been long and Ethan had been feeding. I've got to ask the doc tomorrow, during Ethan's checkup cum injection, whether or not it's time to start him on solids. I know some docs advocate introducing solids from as young as 4 months but in general, I think the average age to feed babies solid food is around 6 months of age.
Anyway, we had decided long ago to hit town and BUY BUY BUY. KL is having some massive sales and we decided to go to 1-Utama to shop. Parkson, the major departmental store was having a Mad About Kids sale and I wanted to look for a walker n etc for Ethan.
All of us bundled into the car at around 11am and headed for 1-U. ALan was craving for Nonya food so we went to our usual haunt, The Peranakan Place at Level 2.
We realised it had been refurbished and it looked much classier and we quite excited to enjoy the good food it served again.
Unfortunately, we were very let down. The standard of their fare had plummeted. We ordered 5 dishes to share - Devil's Curry
, Sambal Belachan Kangkong
, Lala Egg
, a Nonya Braised Toufu
and sambal prawns.
All the dishes were found wanting. :( I think my hot barley water was the saving grace. ;p
After the gastronomical disappointment, we suffered another disappointment. The baby/kiddo section in Parkson, 1-U was sooooooooo pathetic. :P It did not house many brands, to begin with. And also did not have a baby walker section. *sigh* We browsed and went away with 2 bottles of baby wash and a packet of wet wipes ONLY. My goodness.
MPH was next door and I proceeded to renew my membership for RM20. Alan bought me the book I had been wanting to get (Diary of a TaxiDriver) and I bought Ethan a couple of pop-up books
etc more (remember my ambition to fill up his bookshelf??!) Alan also clamoured for molten chocolate cake / muffins and so we bought 500 Cupcakes and Muffins book for their recipes.
By then, my body was aching as the stroller had been empty and my arms laddened with "little" Ethan. We proceeded to the baby nursing / changing room to feed Ethan who was fussing. Wow. Impressive! I didn't take a picture but let me describe...
There is a lcd tv inside the room and a play table and chairs to entertain the toddlers whilst mommy feeds, coupled with a sitting area for the daddies. Inside, there is a line of changing cushions and bins for babies' soiled diapers to be changed. Further in, there are 3 or 4 nursing rooms. Each brightly coloured and decorated with wall stickers. Also, (and I don't know why but it's a nice touch), there is a cradle bouncer in each room. This is so far, the best nursing room in KL! *claps*
After Ethan was satisfied and partially falling asleep, I changed his diaper and then all of us proceeded to the shops to look for MORE CLOTHES for Ethan. hahaha His wardrobe is overflowing with clothes but he is certainly outgrowing more and more.
Finally, in F.O.S. (Alan calls it full of $ht), I found some great deals. I bought altogether 6 rompers for Ethan. 4 at 2 for Rm20 and a pair at 2 for Rm16. Yay. They will last him beyond 6months and are longer than most of his current ones now.
Ethan's Baju from F.O.S. (RM56 in all)
Thirsty and exhausted by now, we decided that Juicewerks was a better option than Coffeebean because it was healthier. It was certainly pretty pricey though and 3 drinks (one for the maid too) came up to be RM25+. Wow. Health indeed comes with a price. hahahaha.
Resting in Mama's arms in Juicewerks
Home welcomed us with opened arms when we arrived at around 4pm and the two furry ones were extremely relieved to be let out of their cages.
Sunday 14 March 2010
We woke up at around 10am, amazed by how let it was. Quickly, Alan made a phone call to our local butcher to order some pork. We were going to have a home-made steamboat tonite! :D
Ethan was left in the care of En and we headed to the market and the supermarket to pick up the usual and more. Someone Someone had requested for me to bake bake bake so I picked up a few more items in lieu of this. Butter, amazingly had gone up by Rm2/ slab!
Anyway, after we left TMC and dropped the stuff off at home, we headed to (where else but) our usual Sunday brunch place for (what else but) fishhead beehoon soup. The only thing about eating this so regularly, I can say is that at least it's health food! hahaa. Our best friend had not opened to our disgust (it was already 1pm) and we could not do an exchange of our purchases. :(
We went into Desa Sri Kota to buy ladles for the steamboat as well as a few other items then headed home for me to take a quick shower and then feed and be with Ethan. I had a luxurious 1.5hour nap with him - I had been suffering from a sleep deficet and I had needed a power nap desperately. Alan had his "Me Time" and had a good time with his RC cars. After that, he proceeded to prepare the stock etc for our steamboat dinner.
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