Let me state the reason for this trip back first because going into the details: Alan's work permit expired on 23/1/10 and his office was tardy in the renewal...Hence, we had to pack our bags and return to sunny SIngapore! :PpPPpp Ethan and I couldn't stay in KL, even if we wanted to because our dependent passes are tagged to Alan. And our maid too couldn't stay because of her work permit being tagged to Alan's EP.
22nd January 2010 (Friday)
Alan, unfortunately, had a meeting at 10am in the office and so we could only leave for Spore later on in the day. It was nearly 3pm when we embarked on the journey. Everything was as smooth (as Ethan's backside) until we reached Singapore. Interestingly, we took less than 3hours to get from our Bangsar home in KL to the Singapore checkpoint.
I waited 1/2hour in the car though, at the Malaysian checkpoint as Alan had to settle our maid's entry permit for our return trip. And by the time we left the Tuas checkpoint, it was the after-office-hour jam! The system indicated a 'massive jam all the way to tanjong katong' and we were only in woodlands then! MY GOSH!
After an hour long journey from Tuas to my Upper EastCOast Road apartment, we were all moody and exhausted. Poor Ethan. He is certainly a cross-country baby! :( Anyway, we arrived at around 730++PM and by then, Pearlyn, Edwyna and Peiting were already slated to arrive.
I hurriedly gave Ethan a wipe down to make him more comfortable because going down to greet the girls. :) We had a pizza party and chatted (read: bitched) over Hawaiiwan and Tandorri Chicken pizzas, chicken wings, calamari rings all washed down with rootbeer. *burps* (I shall start my dieting soon lah; p )
Time flew by admist complaints, Taboo etc and they presented me with their sweet birthday 'card' and very useful and thoughtful birthday present (a baby puree book! exactly what I needed! :)))
The girls left at around one am and amazing, I was still very alert. Ethan had collasped already since 8pm and at 1am, I fed him and Alan, Ethan and I squeezed into the queen-sized bed and started snoring...
23rd January 2010 (Saturday)
I promised myself to take it easy today and sad to say, with the little one almost glued to my breast 24/7, it was almost impossible to schedule get-together sessions with my pals (something which I would definitely do whenever I returned to Singapore in the past).
HOWEVER, although tricky, I still endeavoured to meet Gary after his training. He was (as usual) late in fetching me, this time in his spanking new, black Merces coupe and we took off to Siglap for his lunch and my afternoon tea at around 220pm.
We decided to go for HK cuisine this time round and settled for the HK cafe. I cooled off with iced yinyang and we shared a red bean ice whilst he polished off two half-boiled eggs and some noodles. We chatted and chatted until almost 4pm when he reminded me I had to go home to feed Ethan!
Lil' Ethan was still asleep (praise the lord!) when I arrived back home and I showered and then fed ET his milk. Alan was still outside (he had left in the late morning, after we bathed ET in our sink! to play his remote control car in Rivervale Crescent's track. So, Ethan and I lasped into a stupor again...
Dinner was in lieu of my birthday and at Coffee Club Siglap.
24th January 2010 (Sunday)
All of us woke up at around 8+am, roused by Ethan. We proceeded to bathe him again, in the sink, and then set off with MUm for Marina Square to pick up some essentials and do some shopping.
We settled brunch at 11+am at Swenson's because it was quiet there. I fed and put Ethan to sleep in his stroller there too, before polishing off my crayfish pasta and helping ALan with his Topless 5.
Ethan was making noise again , as we left. We hit a bazzar by John Little at the atrium and I bought (at lightning speed) a pair of track pants and a top. We also bought some pills (fish oil for Alan and Calcium for me) at a discount. Mum got a pair of shoes too.
Into Nature Farm we went next and because it was my birthday month, I was entitled to a 35% discount. We picked up two bottles of DHA capsules and mum bought some glucosamine. By this time, Ethan was fussing big time so I decided to feed him.
We brisk walked to our favourite nursing room in Marina Square and Ethan and I spent a quiet 20mins (at least ) there. I fed him and then thankfully he pooped almost immediately so I lay him down for a change.
What I discovered, which was different from my previous trip to Spore, was that Ethan could now look and see what had been drawn on the ceiling of the nursing room (blue sky/ butterflies / clouds) and once I lay him down for his nappy change, he looked at the ceiling and immediately smiled... awwww. :D
After the change, we met up with the patient por por and the extravagant papa (who had gone quickly into Ace Hardware whilst his wife was not around to pick up something ELSE for his RC car), we headed for Kiddy Palace and MotherCare. At the former, we picked up a bath tub that would last ET till toddlerhood and also other smaller items like wet wipes etc. And then, at the latter, I bought some shampoo/ bath foam / liquid talc and also sunblock for the baby.
Amazingly, time had flown by and it was almost 3pm when we left Marina Square for home.
I bathed ET in his new bath tub when we got back and proceeded to feed him. SHaron dudu came over at around 4pm and Alan and her discussed some business plans.
It was 5+pm when Ye Ye, Nai Nai and TK came over and then the big discussions started. ET was asleep all that while and for that ,I was thankful. Chris came in at around 7+pm. And then they went out to buy tze char back for dinner at 8pm.
Too bad jean didnt make it in time for the birthday song and more importantly, the birthday (awfully chocolate) cake. yumz. Thanks Sharon for the cake! And after I collected two generous angpaos, we retired upstairs...
25th January 2010 (Monday)
ALan brought EN to the Malaysian Embassy in the morning to enquire about her returning to KL. Ethan and I slept peacefully and lazily till 11am (!!) and then I bathed him myself. :) The bath tub is bigger than what he is used to in KL and a couple of times he thrashed about with the perceived notion that he was falling. Poor baby. However, after a while, he was fine and started enjoying his warm bath again :)
Alan came back at around noon with my lunch of meepok and some hae piah. We proceeded to stuff our faces. Then, I fed Ethan again whilst Alan snoozed. We had to go back to the embassy to collect the 90 day visa for En for entry into KL at 3pm.
I initially wanted to visit Crescent, since the Embassy was at Jervois road, a stone's throw away from CGS. But too bad, all my kakki were too busy to meet me. So sad, right? *sigh* Anyway, I will go back for CNY!
After collecting the visa, we zoomed to Tuas and then were back in KL after 4 hours. Home sweet home :)
After giving Ee Hom his wipe-down in the evening, I fed him whilst lying on the bed in the masterbed room. I smiled at him, and he gave me a wide grin after a while whilst looking into my eyes. That picture formed was so cute that I laughed out loud, tickled. Apparently, my laughter (or the rumbling of my tummy which was touching his) was infectious and little Ee Hom burst out into peals of laughter himself. hahaha. What a lovely experience, sharing a laugh with my loved one. :)
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