Sunday, January 10, 2010


Today started at 1030am. When we woke up and I glanced at the alarm clock, I was shocked. ahahha. Ethan had woken me up at around 4+am and then proceeded to play and be very animated. ahahah I couldn't help but join in the fun, even though it was at an unearthly hour. He's super cute nowadays and 'talks' to you when you look at him in the eye and speak to him. ahhaha.

After rubbing the sleep from our eyes, Alan and I proceeded to give our baby his coveted bath of the day. hahaha. Then, En helped us take care of him whilst Alan and I went to devour (again) Alan's favourite fishhead beehoon soup and top up our stash of DVDs.

When at home, we watched Mulan. Great performance by Zhao Wei! It was drizzling and there was Super Sunday on Astro so in the end we did not go for our planned swim. :(

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