Today we went to visit Dr. Ravi again. It's one of our last visits to him before the arrival of our little prince. :)
My goodness, boy was the doc busy today. He arrived at the clinic after an early delivery in the morning (at around 950am) and then proceeded to scan my womb for Ethan's developments for all of 1 minute before receiving an urgent phone call and rushing out again to the labour ward to deliver his second baby of the day. haha
Alan and I waited till 11+am before we could see him again. 8 days after my previous appointment and weight measurement, I was astounded to discover that I had put on approximately 2KG and Ethan, thankfully had put on around 400g! He is now 2.39KG. :P
Doc says to continue to monitor and come back again on Monday 26/10/09. If the growth falls below the normal range then it's time to either induce (if cervis is dilated) or do a c-sec. Looks out our baby is set to come out on 2610!! (my own birthdate was 2601)
Mum, it's time to buy 4D again..... ;P
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