After Dania left my house at around 810pm, Alan and I decided to dine healthily tonight and we went for a steamboat at Taman desa again. This time, instead of the usual pomfret which we will order, we added only one plate of fishballs to our order of two sets. The bill didn't scare us that much and came up to be around RM 35. We decided against shopping for groceries etc tonight also as we were both shacked out.
Saturday 4 July 2009
We woke up relatively earlier than normal and headed excitedly to our new house. Yee Pok (the Pioneer entertainment systems seller) was to meet us there at 10am to determine where the speakers for the TV should be mounted. I chatted with his wife and tried to engage his little duaghter of 20 months to converse with me to no avail.
The wife , who is 4months preggers looked almost annorexic and warned me that if I put on too much weight, my baby will be very heavy and big. Errmmm This friendly advice has come a little too late. I've already put on TOO MUCH weight. hahaha Ok ok I shall try and cut down. It's all Alan's fault (must blame the Hubby) for feeding me too well. :P
After that apointment, we went to TMC nearby to pick up two bags of rice grains (10kg each), two big boils of cooking oil, 3 big tins of cookies etc for the Myanmar refugee children. I had already packed up some toys and Alan's old clothes as well to be given away. Previously, in Malacca, we had also purchased RM150 worth of snacks for the refugee children and also the children in Ti-ratana.
We drove all the way down to Jalan Alor and were stuck in a jam. After our sinful lunch of big prawn noodles and Beef Horfun, we met up with Lulu (the headteacher) at the KL Baptist Church in Jalan Alor, next to the KFC.
Lulu told us that the refugee children were housed around the area and she pointed out residences which were very run-down and barely livable in our standards. I guess the children would all be very thankful to have a roof over their heads and three square meals because they had all been displaced due to the merciless cyclone which had destroyed their families and homes in 2008. All the children are waiting to be relocated to different countries and a small organisation is helping them sustain their lives meaningfully now as well. I had gotten to know of this group of needy through Marie-Ann, a housing agent whom was helping us look for a house, in the early part of this year. Alan and I hope to do more over the next few months.
By the way, these group of 160 children have written and published a book, My Beautiful Myanmar which documents and illustrates their life in their home country. I hope to get contacts to sell these books (RM15/book) on consignment basis. Anyone interested in this VCIP project- let me know ok? :D Thanks!
After we dropped off the food items and chatted with Lulu for a while, we left for Mid Valley Mega Mall. Sheena, our fellow doggie-lover friend, whose bitch Bizzy has been betrothed to Coco, has invited us to this pets exhibition and fair, held over that weekend for all pet lovers.
We got in, after our hazelnut pearl red milk tea at the taiwnese restaurant and strolled around the fair. There were many doggies being brought around and it was amazing to see such a huge scale event for animals in KL, a city populated by mainly Muslims. We watched a creative fashion show, hosted by Pet Icon, and were horrified to see dogs which had been coloured and shaped in weird looking hues and patterns. I am glad my three dogs look NORMAL (and not like lions/ the moon/ leopards etc). :P

After the show, we toured the Cats and Rabbits arena and then left to 'collect' our car from the car wash. Then, it was a simple Teppanyaki dinner at the Garden's food court. :)
Sunday 5 July 2009
At around 8+am, we woke up and prepared our sons for the weekly activity. Coco's pre-novice class was slated to start at 930am.
Jay Jay was allowed to join in the class for a refresher by Madam Yap, the trainer, because there were very few doggies in that hour attending that class. :) She used him as well for some demonstrations *wipe sweat off brow* and thankfully he performend quite well. :P
After the lesson in which Coco truly and surprisingly behaved himself, we left to have some makanan at the dimsum place (One One Cafe) nearby. I ordered fish horfun (trying to stay healthy) and Alan ordered Singapore laksa. We also shared yam cake (steamed) and chilli stuffed with fish paste.
It was noon when we left that Taman and headed for home. After a quick shower, we both retired to bed for a short nap and woke up at around 4pm to bathe Coco and Jay Jay. Once that ordeal was done, we left for Bangsar Pasar Malum to pick up our usual seafood/ fruits/ vegetables.
Dinner was a cheap affair at Nasi Lemak Antarabangsar along the busy street. I had nasi lemak with rendang and a weird chewy beef jerky thing and Alan had nasi lemak with tough sea hum / chilli prawns and too-fried chicken breast.
Then, we went to Bangsar Shopping Village and chanced upon a shop which sold nice Indonesian-made furniture. We found two seats perfect for our patio (white rattan) and even a clothes basket for our bedroom toilet. There was another shop which sold antiques and their likes and we saw this gong which would go nicely on our tomlinson chest of drawers in our living room. hmmmmm...
Upon realisation that it was getting late, and worried that the fish stall had closed for the night (taking with it our paid Cod fish / prawns / fish balls) , we hurried back to the pasar to collect out items. Then, we went to TMC (again) and played a Super Quick SHopping Game.
There were 14 items on the list and we each grabbed a basket and were in-charge of getting 7 of the 14. ahahha In no time, we were able to pay for the items and leave the supermarket and head home tiredly...
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