After a watery home-cooked and yummy codfish porridge for an early dinner, Alan and I took off again to look at our new house. We kinda go every night to get updates as to the progress of our rennovation works and we are pleased to exclaim (with surprise) that they are going on just fine!
The previous glass door which is flanked by the garden has been torn down and sealed up to make way for our home entertainment system. The ceiling has also been recessed and plastered up and cables for the entertainment system, aircon , lights , cctvs have also been laid. The ugly floor has also been hacked and now awaits levelling and then the tiles will be laid to rest.
That's only the downstairs. There's some work to be done upstairs as well but it has not commenced. We are hopeful we can move in on 14 August 2009 officially - which is advised by our Fengshui master. That's another one month more!! How exciting!
Sorry I digressed..
Alan was hungry in no time after the porridge and so we made our way to have a Banana Leaf dinner, part 2 in Bangsar. Something is wrong with Alan's palette nowadays and he actually enjoys eating Indian food and curries. That's so amazing, considering how I used to have to beg / plead / cajole (to no avail) for him to bring me to have a good Indian meal.
Anyway, after our yummy pratas (they call it Roti Channai in KL)
and some absolutely delicious honey chicken
and fried calamari
(which we washed down with mango lassi / iced tea), we went to pick up some dvds to add to our collection. There were no movies that were worth watching that weekend so we decided to enjoy your Friday night at home instead.
Before we headed back home, we pigged out somemore at Baskin Robins, sharing a banana split icecream which cost almost as much as our dinner.
;P Back home, we watched (the newly released in cinemas) Obsessed which proved to be rather thrilling, contrary to my original belief.
Saturday 11th July 2009
We woke up at around 10am and lazily got out of bed. A hearty Mac Donald's breakfast beckoned and we got to Bangsar by 1045am. After that, we again headed down to the new house so that Alan could make sure the workmen were doing their jobs. There was alot of dust in the house so I stayed in the car and fought the sleep bugs threatening to crawl all over me.
Then, we drove to two outlets of Alfo lightning to try to choose our lights for the house. We had signed up with them during their exhibition and paid 5K for a package which allowed us 45% discount store-wide and also if we are unable to spend all that 5K, a full refund was in order. We were however disappointed to find out that not all lights qualified for that 'store-wide 45% off'. hai yah.. that's how the Malaysians do things lah. :P Anyway, their range of lightning wasn't the world's widest as well and now we are still in two-minds about using them.
For a short breather, we popped by Food Floundry for our late brunch. Alan and I shared the lambchops (which had looked very appetising on the plate of the lady sitting diagonally opposite us but which was a tad disappointing)
and of course one slice of mille vanilla cake.
I also had a peach tea -which i regretted. Ethan spent the whole night kicking mummy and doing sommersaults in my womb probably becos of the caffeine. :P
After our tea break, we left again and this time landed up at Furniture and World of Lighting near Taman Desa. We are bored stiff for the first half an hour or so but finally came across this shop which sold very interesting items. I picked out my tuition table with four chairs and we bought a queen-sized bed and 2 other single mattresses for guests. The shop owner, Laura, was a very humorous and nice lady who gave us many a good discount :D
After that, we were hungry again and so we went to the nearby Japanese restaurant
to have dinner. The set meals were going at a steal. I had a small bowl of kimchii ramen and two fried dumplings for RM8.90
. Alan had his miso ramen.
We also shared salmon belly
and two other types of sushi - all cooked fish please.
We went home tired but fulfilled and started to google for places to stay in Oz during our 9 days there.
Sunday 12 July 2009
The day started as usual. We brought Coco and Jay jay to dog-training. I must say that Coco has improved by leaps and bounds. Maybe because of the change of environment. He used to have his lessons at the car park and now it's in a small garden opposite. 
After the training, at around 1045am, we made our way to the new house with our sons. Alan dropped me off on the way to pick up two fillets that would suffice as our brunch. The house was surveyed and Jay Jay and Coco barked at the top of their voices because I had tied them to the gate outside and went upstairs to look at some stuff.
Aileen, our future neighbour came over to welcome us to the neighbourhood and we chatted a bit. :) I am quite excited to get to know more people in our neighbourhood. From what I can see, there seem to be many old people in our lorong.
We left the house after around 15mins and headed back home. Whilst Alan took a short siesta, I bathed Jay Jay and dried his fur. I fell asleep on the couch when he was bathing Coco. hahaha. The short naps revitalised our tired bodies (both of us didn't sleep well the night before) and we showered and headed towards Mid Valley Mega Mall.
The KL Mega Sale was on and in lieu of our pending trip to wintery Oz, I bought two pairs of maternity pants and (errm) a lovely tube top. hehehe. We wanted to check out the changing table for babies as well which was RM499.
After inviting the Tan Family (Coco's girlfriend Chloe is their doggie) to dinner at Kajang, Alan and I drove leisurely there. They joined us at about 7pm and we had 40 sticks of beef and 40 sticks of chicken satay (the rest of the meats like mutton and rabbit were already sold out by then!) and some fried beehoon / noodles.
We ate and chatted and Saw Hoon and Ming Hu shared their horrifying experiences (from different lenses) of the delivery room experience. My eyeballs grew bigger and bigger at each description. ahahaa. At around 9+pm, we headed our separate ways and went home.
Alan and I continued the night booking accomodation for Oz. We got a great deal at a #1-ranking cottage in Margaret River on tripadvisor, which apparently has wildlife roaming all around the cottage and you can feed roos and what -nots by hand. We also booked our accomodation for Perth / Fremantle. YaY. This month and the next is indeed very, very exciting. :D
By the time we headed to bed to rest our aching bodies, it was already 130am. zZZzzz Thankfully Ethan was so tired out that he didn't kick me the whole night!
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