On 24th January 2009 (Saturday)
Alan and I deposited Coco and Jay Jay at Gasing Vet at 11+am. The drama unfolded in the vet's as we waited (im)patiently for our dogs to be examined by the vet and boarded. MY GOODNESS. An old Indian man collasped in the clinic as he waited for his dog to be treated. His maid panicked and the rest of the customers rushed to his aid. I tried my bestest to release his grip for his dog leash but he clung on tight. There was thankfully a doctor in the house and quickly an ambulance was called for. All that while, Alan clung on to the oblivious Coco and Jay Jay...
After saying our goodbyes to the doggies, we hurriedly drove to the causeway and home. The jam was massive outta KL - most of the Malaysians were going home to celebrate CNY with their families in their hometowns... Thankfully, there was no jam at the causeway and we zoomed back.
On the way home, we stopped by Paya Lebar for Alan to pick up more stuff for his remote control car (thanks gary :P) and then we hopped over to Joseph's to pass him a hamper. Then, to Bedok to pick up my two dresses from the tailor's and then home sweet home.
Ahhhh how Ash whooped to see us... very heart-warming. Everytime we go home, we worry whether our mini schnauzer will be able to recognize us... Never once did he fail.. :)
A delicious spread was already on the table when Alan and I arrived. We were to have a yummy steamboat dinner with my mum, two sisters and my brotherinlaw. A mini reunion dinner before the bigger one the next day. :) We stuffed ourselves silly with healthy food and chatted happily ,catching up with one another even though Alan and I had just gone back to Spore at the end of 2008. hahaha.
Then, barely into our first few games of mahjong, the doorbell rang!!!!
Zesa (who dutifully brought her bf for parental scrutiny and approval), Yusheng, Peiting, Edwyna and Pearlyn came !!!! Ash almost gave the game away as he was a-sniffing at the door but I hardly noticed as I was concentrating on the game.. ahahha. They lit the lone candle on the bday cake and sang loudly to celebrate my 21st (!!!!) birthday with me! ahahhah What a lovely surprise!!!! yaYyyYyy
After munching on all sorts of the goodies and the yummy Bakerzinn cake, the presents were presented. My two daughters presented a cute card , complete with sewing from yusheng and pictures of them in lanson place (washing the toilet n lying on the beds) hahaha and then came the BIGGGG SURPRISE... Zesa presented me with a huge and heavy box!
I had three guesses and all were WRONG! hahahaha. As I tore the wrapper and ripped it apart, I saw, in my arms the much coveted Wii!!!!! hahahaha. Amazing but true. Immediately, I looked at the husband and knew it was him! hahaha. Ok ok, i never "see" my daughters "no up" ok? hahaha Thankkkkkkk Cubbbeee everyone!
The three fairy children gave me a cute little art piece which they had painstakingly done up. :) So sweeeeeeeeeeet. *touched* :) We all chatted and chatted until 1ish and then they took their leave and Alan and I collasped into bed after a long but extremely meaningful day. :) Thanks gals! I loveeeeeeee you all!
25th January 2009 (Sunday)
We woke up late to recuperate fromthe day before and then headed to town to meet Dot and Clarence for lunch. *sigh* I wonder when will be the next time I meet up with her again! She's attained taitaidom but in BRAZIL! hahahaa. We do hope to visit you soon G2... Need to save some moolah first! :(
After lunch at Island Cafe, Tangs, Alan and I hopped over next door to Lucky Plaza to pick up more games for the Wii. After buying loadsa games (e.g. Wii Fit, Raving Rabbits etc etc) we quickly headed to Miss Tay's to pass her a hamper before rushing home to shower and change for our feast of a reunion dinner.
The dinner was at Grand Shanghai. All of us dressed in 'chingchong costumes' to suit the occasion. :D I will paste some photos up soon. We had sharks fins, cod fish, peking duck, abalone, etc etc etc... Enough to add more pounds necessary for a lifetime. :P
I also blew the candles out atop my 2nd birthday cake. Luckily the stage was off stage then ...if not it would have been a sabotage!

As we left, we had a huge scare though. Alan thought he had lost his Iphone!!!! I shed my 4inch heels (faster than you can say "THAT WAS A DELICIOUS SHARKSFINS SOUP") for the pumps my mum was wearing and sprinted (across the road) back into the restaurant. After searching high and low (mainly) and looking at the feet of many customers, the iPhone finally turned up in his camera bag at last... :P
We returned home and brought out the MJ table once again and Alan proceeded to teach Jean and my mum (painstakingly) how to play proper MJ. Until 4+am! *faint*
26th January 2009 (my birthday and CNY Day 1)
Mum had the maid make her VERY DELICIOUS MEESIAM and Alan and I had that for a late breakfast before venturing to his parents' house to bai nian. A yearly ritual - visiting the Por Kar See temple to ask for blessing (and to eat the free and yummy meesuar)- followed next.
Then, it was to Ah ma's house in AMK for more delicious food. Steamboat, Sharks fins soup and pigs organs soup!!! OOoola laaaaaa..
We played MJ and I proceeded to win all the guys' (Alan, my fatherinlaw and Alan's Uncle) money (second year in running) and then we went to my grandma's house in Lorong Chuan to bainian. Filled to the brim, we didnt even attempt to taste the buffet dinner which was prepared there.
At 8+pm, we headed for my home because I had invited some friends over for post bainian drinks. Initially we were supposed to meet at ECP but the restaurant we were supposed to meet in was closed, so all trooped over and two reds were opened.
Elaine came first with the yummy birthday cake (thanks babe!) and was duly entertained by Ash as I was still in the shower. Then, Wees came with Leo and Kenneth. Kala and Alexis came too and updates of our WITs project were shared.heehee. :D Jia You! :D
Mahjong was played till in the wee hours of the morning and Alexis won all our money in order to pay for the iPhone cover I had bought her in KL. hahaha. damn lucky (or issit skillful???) Ox in the Year of the Ox!! Just before the clock struck midnight for the 27th of Jan, they all sang me a birthday song and we all celebrated me gaining more white hairs and losing my youth further.

27th January 2009 (Tuesday)
Yet another busy day. We woke up abit later because of our sleep deficit and then had the leftover meesiam for breakfast. Then, we went to Kee Kiat's house to bai nian and pass his two lil' ones an angpao each.
Next stop was somewhere, to meet someone but if I type it out here, then it would defeat the purpose of missing that someone in secret right? :P
After that, we headed to my parentsinlaw's place. We spent sometime there chit-chatting and then we set off on our tiresome journey back to KL...
Alan and I deposited Coco and Jay Jay at Gasing Vet at 11+am. The drama unfolded in the vet's as we waited (im)patiently for our dogs to be examined by the vet and boarded. MY GOODNESS. An old Indian man collasped in the clinic as he waited for his dog to be treated. His maid panicked and the rest of the customers rushed to his aid. I tried my bestest to release his grip for his dog leash but he clung on tight. There was thankfully a doctor in the house and quickly an ambulance was called for. All that while, Alan clung on to the oblivious Coco and Jay Jay...
After saying our goodbyes to the doggies, we hurriedly drove to the causeway and home. The jam was massive outta KL - most of the Malaysians were going home to celebrate CNY with their families in their hometowns... Thankfully, there was no jam at the causeway and we zoomed back.
On the way home, we stopped by Paya Lebar for Alan to pick up more stuff for his remote control car (thanks gary :P) and then we hopped over to Joseph's to pass him a hamper. Then, to Bedok to pick up my two dresses from the tailor's and then home sweet home.
Ahhhh how Ash whooped to see us... very heart-warming. Everytime we go home, we worry whether our mini schnauzer will be able to recognize us... Never once did he fail.. :)
A delicious spread was already on the table when Alan and I arrived. We were to have a yummy steamboat dinner with my mum, two sisters and my brotherinlaw. A mini reunion dinner before the bigger one the next day. :) We stuffed ourselves silly with healthy food and chatted happily ,catching up with one another even though Alan and I had just gone back to Spore at the end of 2008. hahaha.
Then, barely into our first few games of mahjong, the doorbell rang!!!!
Zesa (who dutifully brought her bf for parental scrutiny and approval), Yusheng, Peiting, Edwyna and Pearlyn came !!!! Ash almost gave the game away as he was a-sniffing at the door but I hardly noticed as I was concentrating on the game.. ahahha. They lit the lone candle on the bday cake and sang loudly to celebrate my 21st (!!!!) birthday with me! ahahhah What a lovely surprise!!!! yaYyyYyy
After munching on all sorts of the goodies and the yummy Bakerzinn cake, the presents were presented. My two daughters presented a cute card , complete with sewing from yusheng and pictures of them in lanson place (washing the toilet n lying on the beds) hahaha and then came the BIGGGG SURPRISE... Zesa presented me with a huge and heavy box!
I had three guesses and all were WRONG! hahahaha. As I tore the wrapper and ripped it apart, I saw, in my arms the much coveted Wii!!!!! hahahaha. Amazing but true. Immediately, I looked at the husband and knew it was him! hahaha. Ok ok, i never "see" my daughters "no up" ok? hahaha Thankkkkkkk Cubbbeee everyone!
The three fairy children gave me a cute little art piece which they had painstakingly done up. :) So sweeeeeeeeeeet. *touched* :) We all chatted and chatted until 1ish and then they took their leave and Alan and I collasped into bed after a long but extremely meaningful day. :) Thanks gals! I loveeeeeeee you all!
25th January 2009 (Sunday)
We woke up late to recuperate fromthe day before and then headed to town to meet Dot and Clarence for lunch. *sigh* I wonder when will be the next time I meet up with her again! She's attained taitaidom but in BRAZIL! hahahaa. We do hope to visit you soon G2... Need to save some moolah first! :(
After lunch at Island Cafe, Tangs, Alan and I hopped over next door to Lucky Plaza to pick up more games for the Wii. After buying loadsa games (e.g. Wii Fit, Raving Rabbits etc etc) we quickly headed to Miss Tay's to pass her a hamper before rushing home to shower and change for our feast of a reunion dinner.
The dinner was at Grand Shanghai. All of us dressed in 'chingchong costumes' to suit the occasion. :D I will paste some photos up soon. We had sharks fins, cod fish, peking duck, abalone, etc etc etc... Enough to add more pounds necessary for a lifetime. :P
I also blew the candles out atop my 2nd birthday cake. Luckily the stage was off stage then ...if not it would have been a sabotage!

As we left, we had a huge scare though. Alan thought he had lost his Iphone!!!! I shed my 4inch heels (faster than you can say "THAT WAS A DELICIOUS SHARKSFINS SOUP") for the pumps my mum was wearing and sprinted (across the road) back into the restaurant. After searching high and low (mainly) and looking at the feet of many customers, the iPhone finally turned up in his camera bag at last... :P
We returned home and brought out the MJ table once again and Alan proceeded to teach Jean and my mum (painstakingly) how to play proper MJ. Until 4+am! *faint*
26th January 2009 (my birthday and CNY Day 1)

Mum had the maid make her VERY DELICIOUS MEESIAM and Alan and I had that for a late breakfast before venturing to his parents' house to bai nian. A yearly ritual - visiting the Por Kar See temple to ask for blessing (and to eat the free and yummy meesuar)- followed next.
Then, it was to Ah ma's house in AMK for more delicious food. Steamboat, Sharks fins soup and pigs organs soup!!! OOoola laaaaaa..
We played MJ and I proceeded to win all the guys' (Alan, my fatherinlaw and Alan's Uncle) money (second year in running) and then we went to my grandma's house in Lorong Chuan to bainian. Filled to the brim, we didnt even attempt to taste the buffet dinner which was prepared there.
At 8+pm, we headed for my home because I had invited some friends over for post bainian drinks. Initially we were supposed to meet at ECP but the restaurant we were supposed to meet in was closed, so all trooped over and two reds were opened.
Elaine came first with the yummy birthday cake (thanks babe!) and was duly entertained by Ash as I was still in the shower. Then, Wees came with Leo and Kenneth. Kala and Alexis came too and updates of our WITs project were shared.heehee. :D Jia You! :D
Mahjong was played till in the wee hours of the morning and Alexis won all our money in order to pay for the iPhone cover I had bought her in KL. hahaha. damn lucky (or issit skillful???) Ox in the Year of the Ox!! Just before the clock struck midnight for the 27th of Jan, they all sang me a birthday song and we all celebrated me gaining more white hairs and losing my youth further.

27th January 2009 (Tuesday)
Yet another busy day. We woke up abit later because of our sleep deficit and then had the leftover meesiam for breakfast. Then, we went to Kee Kiat's house to bai nian and pass his two lil' ones an angpao each.
Next stop was somewhere, to meet someone but if I type it out here, then it would defeat the purpose of missing that someone in secret right? :P
After that, we headed to my parentsinlaw's place. We spent sometime there chit-chatting and then we set off on our tiresome journey back to KL...
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