After Jakarta, we got back to KL for one night only and drove back to Singapore on 29th late afternoon. Actually, we were supposed to go back earlier but Alan's SIMs got in the way... ;p
We arrived in Singapore at around 7+pm and then promptly went to our Mee Pok stall for our usual fix. Our remaining SGD18 sufficed and we bought ourselves a big yummy meal! Then, it was ASH TIME! hehehe.
30 December 2008 (Tuesday)
We hit our fav shopping mall in the morning- Suntec City! Duck rice at the food court was followed by Bedtime Stories in the movies. Nice show. Magical! Totally doesn't reflect reality though. haha. O well...
After the movie, Alan and I did some shopping around and then I bade him farewell at around 6ish to meet Gary for dinner. The perenially-late fella, turned up as expected and we finally decided on Japanese at Millenia Walk.
After my nabe and his set dinner, we ignored the call of beer and headed for jager bombs at Yello Jello, Clarke Quay, Gary's current favourite hangout. After being formally introduced to the bomb, I went on to pursue my personal fav-red wine whilst he had his burbon coke a lesser evil (because he was driving).
We chatted and bitched and just chilled...Chilling on a weekday never felt so good before. Clarke Quay is ALWAYS packed like sardines whenever I hit it (which is on clubbing nights) and for a change, it was novel to see the world stroll past whilst enjoying the evening. Maybe I am catching on in age so quiet evenings are more appreciated..hahaha. I got home around after midnight to the hubby who was playing his Sim City. haha and who had bought a remote car in my absense for SGD400! Dinners/drinks with my friends are getting costlier and costlier. ;x
31 December 2008 (Wednesday)
Today was dedicated to my family! In the morning, Mum and Jean and Ening joined us for a walk with Ash at East Coast Park. :) Our lil'doggie never failed to impress us with his obedience and cuteness. haha.
Then, Mum and my two sisters and myself and Alan picked my maternal grannie up for a steamboat lunch. We pigged out at this restaurant along Lim Tua Tao Road (don't ask me why it's named as such) and ordered like there was tomorrow. After polishing up all that was ordered, we bought durians, durian crepe (emicake shop) and also yam paste dessert to stuff our faces with once our steamboat had digested. We proceeded to stone at Grandma's bungalow until it was time to leave...
Alan wanted to pick up some spare parts for his remote ctrl car and we headed to Paya Lebar Tamiya after dropping the gang off at home (to watch their dvds). Then, we headed home to rest and relax. We commenced playing Mahjong at around 9+pm and waited for May and Paul to come over to celebrate the new year by counting down together. :)
Happy New Year Everyone! (belated but still very sincere)
1 January 2009 (Thursday)
Ahhhh the memories it brought back! We revisited Waterina (our condo) for lunch with Alan's friends Alex and Julia. Spahgetti was served together with yummy chicken drumsticks and then the watermelon we brought served as dessert. We played wii the whole afternoon and were subsequently trashed in every game by the 7yearold boy playing host. Xp
Tea with Sharon, ALmas and Jet followed and we all changed the venue last minute to MOF at Marina Square instead of Bugis Junction. Sharon entertained us all with her photographs of her recent trip to Japan and we traded stories and shared experiences and caught up with each others' lives. This group hasn't gathered since more than a year ago - the last time I saw any of these fellas was at my wedding!!!
My inlaws informed us that they would not be joining us for dinner as planned and so we had dinner with Mum and Jean at Parkway parade at the foodcourt where I tucked into my favourite meesiam and meerebus. :D
2 January 2009 (Friday)
Alan and I escorted Mum to Katong Shopping Centre to meet up with the maid agent and to settle some documents. We savoured the famous chicken rice and anchar at around noon before sending mum to work at Tampines.
Alan and I then headed to Orchard where the loving husband bought a full set of 7 pots and pans, a knife set and a beautiful sparkling wok from WMF for his dutiful wife to slog with in the kitchen. All the items were going for a song at Robinsons. :D
We then headed to pick up more items on our list before making our way to Tanglin Mall to meet my ex-colleagues for tea. A whole bunch of them turned up - Gary, Josef, Auntie Meng, Kala, Wees, Yew Hock, Vicky, Alexis, Eileen, Leo and Wan Hui. A fantastic turn out! We chatted over expensive dessert and sandwiches and vowed to meet up again soon. hahaha. Shall I ask them out for clubbing this CNY? I know WHO will JUMP at the invitation!
Since Stephen and Da Jie cancelled on me, Alan and I headed for home after that at around 7+pm.
3 January 2009 (Saturday)
ALan and I went to say HI to my fatherinlaw at his stall (HarriAnn's Delights) at Tiong Bahru market. For all those who don't know already, my daddyinlaw sells all sorts of delicious delights at the market. His ondeh ondeh has been recommended on the Straits Times and his gluttinous rice (sweet and salty) is very popular. If you wanna try, do go to the Blue Zone at the spanking clean Tiong Bahru Market and just say you are a friend of Sharon's his dutiful daughterinlaw. hehehe. Friendship has it privileges!
We adjourned to Dorothy's flat in Redhill after that (bringing with us some salad bought from the market and also ta-paoing some ondeh ondeh for my pals to try. I quote Felicia savouring the gulan melaka ones saying that they ëxplode" in one's mouth! haha. Anyway... we all feasted on the potluck goodies brought by all. Sphagetti, sausages, fishballs, salad etc etc... and yes delicious dessert wine! *slurps lips*
After the feasting, we groggily decided to play wii and the raving rabbits put us in an even better mood. hahaha. It's amazing how stupidity bonds... All too soon, 315pm came and ALan and I had to leave to fetch TK from ballet school.
We brought her to pick up her Xmas presents - Barbie and the Diamond Castle (which in the end became Barbie and the hair iron curls) and then we roamed around Orchard Road. I had Tangs vouchers to exchange for from my UOB reward points and we went to do just that. Dinner was early and at the Jap restaurant at Paragon. Alan also bought me Sims 2 to play to fight boredom and I picked up some books for TK and myself at a small bookfair at Lucky Plaza.
We sent TK back early and headed for home to pack for our trip back to Singapore.
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