Ceiling of Lanson Place
The Xmas tree in the lobby (Lanson)
Our barang barang
Aerial View of Lanson Place apartment from our 18th storey.
Our new bedroom at Seri Tiara
My new dressing table in the bedroom. Overlooks hills and vast vegetation.
Zesa and Yusheng's room. ahhaha
The Kitchen- where I belong
Our bathtub ;)
The Living Room (JayJay's posing for the pic)
6 Jan 2008 (Sunday)
Hello folks. It's almost 11pm and after a long and tiring day, Alan and I are lounging in our new living room and watching tv. (Actually he's watching golf on tv and I am surfing the internet obviously.)
Quite exhausted after the move (even though I hardly lifted a finger, except to carry JayJay and some light bags). We haven't really settled in yet and there are still some boxes left unopened. But hell, I have all the time in the world! Shall unpack our ornaments, aroma therapy burners, toys etc etc. hhahaha. *fun fun* Love the feeling of setting up our new home together!
Today, after the two Indian movers and Nicky and Robin came to help us move, we bade farewell to Lanson Place at approximately 1230pm and zoomed off to Seri Tiara, Mid Valley. The drive was smooth and thanks to the GPS, we got there without a hassle (read perenial traffic jam).
After we checked in, we went to Mid Valley Mega Mall and had lunch at Kenny Rogers. Sharing half a black peppered chicken with 3 sides, a banana muffin and a bottle of mineral water cost us a mere RM 23.90. Yumz. Truly, the standard of KR is better than S'pore's.
Then it was off to BEST to scout ard for a home theatre system. We decided on the Philips ambisound system which would surely add omph to our enjoyment of the 3million channels available to us on Astro. We were happily given a 100RM voucher to be used within 6 months as well.
Then we trudged to Carrerfour to stock up on the grocery supplies for The Housewife's sustenance. Canned food and dried foodstuff more than anything else. Then it was Home Sweet Home.
7 Jan 2008 (Mon)
I spent the better part of today unpacking our 18 (yes, that's the amount of stuff we've chalked up in such a short time) boxes. Books, burners, BearBears etc...were all laid neatly and nicely in shelves, on tabletops and on the sofas. Very soon, The Apartment transformed into Our Home.
Louisa, the very sweet Guest Relations Officer came and we did the inventory list toge. Of cos being S'porean, we had to nit-pick as well and we highlighted certain issues that we would like to see changes made to. We want a lower balconey table and chair (what we have now are like bar tables and stools - classy but uncomfortable), a nicer dining table, a not-chipped dresser etc etc...
It was almost 4 plus when I showered and got the security guard to hail me a taxi to Alan's office at Jln P Ramlee. We were gg to buy a sun-looking light to be installed in our house. FengShui lah. I arrived at his office less than 15minutes after Mr Taxi-driver, and I embarked on our journey and I was amazed that there was no jam to be endured, especially since it was also pouring kittens and puppies.
Robin's friend's shop was a Molecule-like one with beautiful furniture for sale. I ooooohh and ahhhhhhhed at the MOS-swinging cocoon seat that was retailing for RM3999. Now, if Alan had been posted to Bangkok instead of KL, we could have gotten it at a third of the price! Then I'd be a swinging married woman! ;p However, I doubt Seri Tiara mgt would be pleased with a heavy cocoon attached to the ceiling hahaha. And my MIL would sigh at me not saving for a rainy day, So I wiped my lust away and proceeded to choose a sun-light (pardon de pun).
We settled for a really sun-looking light and after 10% off (thks, Rob!) we left for Mid Valley. Alan wanted to change the ambisound home theatre system for a better one (not my fault ah). We also did MORE grocery shopping, this time for more than canned food. haha. I can envisage, that after 3 years in this c'try, I'll return to SIN with my crowning glory thinning for all that MSG accumulated ;p
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