Friday, October 17, 2008

Home is Where the Heart is.

Going home tomorrow morning after leaving Jay Jay to the Lim's. :D It's Ash time again. hahahah. and then, once we get back from Spore to KL, it will be Coco think! Hahhaha. Life is good when you are surrounded by beautiful dogs.

The past few days have flown by and I filled my time with giving tuition classes. The taitai resumed tuition with me (after 3 long months!) and brought me dimsum from Hilton! hahahha Lunch with hubbie doesnt comprise of fish head beehoon soup at the nearby coffeeshop. On that special day, it was sedap dimsum from Hilton. Of cos, she doesnt get to see hubbie, I shall settle for fishhead beehoon soup...although, Husband, once in a while, a pao or two should be encouraged!

Interesting, I havent had that shack-out feeling from the numerous lessons and talking for 6-7hours non-stop. hahaha. I guess USA really rejuvenated me. and also the thought of taking a 'break' again and going home. hahaa. I dread to think of the kilos I will pile though as everyone who meets up with me as the idea of 'good food' - quote Pearlyn, in mind. jiu ming ahhh.

Yesterday, I caught (finally) Pursuit of Happyness on HBO and it was a heart-wrenching tale alright about Will Smith and son sleeping in the streets and the former meeting setback after setback to fight for a better tomorrow. I told Jay Jay after the movie how lucky he was to be living with us and then decided to ration his kibbles to teach him greater appreciation for Food. hahaaha . This fella has such a good life. He has his two feeds of kibbles everyday, some delicious cookies, and a bowl of milk with his Angel Eye powder - a powder which treats his tear stains. Sometimes, (like yesterday) he will get an egg mashed up in his food as well. He needs to be more appreciative (and NOT PEE ON MY BED!)
Today's class with the twins will find us doing a poster on the River Nile. Yay. What fun!
Then it's dania's counselling session again before I break for a long 'weekend'. yeaH!

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