Announcing the arrival of a new addition to the Tan family. Hahhahaa. No no nooooo I'm not preggie (again scare u!) My baby's bought me a new handphone... It is the latest, the sexiest, the coolest and yes the most coveted 3G iPHONE, designed by Apple in California and assembled in China. hahaha. It's the sleek white, slimmier than my baby's wallet (even after the purchase) and it's not available till 22 August in Singapore. It has not even come to Malaysia! Hayden's dad got it for Alan for me from HK on his recent biz trip. yipeee. ;) Thanks baby for the gift- even though your birthday is coming.. I guess it's sorta fair becos I bought Alan an electronic keyboard (which I am using to pick up playing the piano again - I have been dilligently practising "Jingle Bells" hor!) in 2006 on MY birthday and now he has bought me the iPhone on HIS. ahhahaa. I am busy downloading photographs now and iTunes. *slurpS*
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