First Day at School
A millionbillionwillion miles from home
Waiting for the bell to go. (To go where?)
Why are they all so big, other children?So noisy?
So much at home they
Must have been born in uniform
Lived all their lives in playgrounds
Spent the years inventing games
That don't let me in.
GamesThat are rough, that swallow you up.
And the railings.All around, the railings.
Are they to keep out wolves and monsters?
Things that carry off and eat children?
Things you don't take sweets from?
Perhaps they're to stop us getting out
Running away from the lessins.
Lessin.What does a lessin look like?
Sounds small and slimy.
They keep them in the glassrooms.
Whole rooms made out of glass.
Imagine.I wish I could remember my name
Mummy said it would come in useful.
Like wellies. When there's puddles.
Yellowwellies. I wish she was here.
I think my name is sewn on somewhere
Perhaps the teacher will read it for me.
Tea-cher. The one who makes the tea.
Roger McGough
The above poem brings back fond memories of me teaching in the classroom. It was done with lower secondary students and those were the days when Literature was less about mugging and more about the appreciation and love for the subject. As I ventured into Upper Sec and O Level Lit, it became a race for time to complete the syllabus and also to make sure my students knew their Areas of Study and how to do a proper TEAQ!
I do miss teaching in the classroom, very much. Especially for English Literature. But as the saying goes, "Marry a Chicken, Follow a Chicken" and therefore I'm here in Malaysia now free from marking tonnes of papers, mock exams, meetings, setting exam papers, CCA and yadah yadah yadah!
Hahahha. Did I mention that this chicken is bringing me to USA? I shall kiss Donald Duck's backside when I am in Disney and take pictures with hunkie Batman at the Universal Studios.
We intend to travel the West Coast of USA and will head to LA, LV (ahhh my favourite brand!) and SF in september. I need to start planning NOW!!!! jiu Ming AhhhHhh!!!
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