Today's posts will not be on mundane gripe but solely dedicated to a very happy couple- Mr and Mrs Tan. (errr.. ok there are MANY tans out there...) Mr and Mrs Alan Tan!! 

It's amazing how time flies and it has been a year since we both walked down the aisle - no no , actually I walked down the aisle and he just stood there at the 'altar' waiting in Hotel Intercontinental...
So many things have changed after 27 may 2007 - we have gone to Europe for our honeymoon, moved from Waterina back to 110B, then he moved in July to KL and I stayed in spore to finish up the O Levels. I moved in mid Nov '07 to KL, Lanson Place and then in Jan '08 we moved into Sri Tiara where I embarked on a tuition teacher career. And we have never looked back since...
Today, I shall take this golden opportunity to revisit 27 May 2007 and share with you what transpired on that beautiful day...
Alan’s Wedding Vows
From this moment on, with your hands in mine, I, Alan Tan,
pledge my undying love to my baby Sharon Goh Hui Lin
as I invite you to share my life.
Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be.
I promise to be kind, unselfish, respectful, and trustworthy
so that together, our dreams of a beautiful tomorrow can come true.
I promise that I will flush the toilet bowl, switch off all the toilet lights
and air-con in the living room before we go to sleep, and lock the door too.
I promise to love you and be faithful for eternity.
To this end I call upon all present to witness that I take you, Sharon Goh Hui Lin,
to be my beloved wife, to have and to hold,
from this day forward, for better or for worse,
for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health
for as long as we both shall live.
With this ring, I become yours eternally.
Sharon’s Wedding Vows
Darling I pledge to spend my whole life with you.
To support you in trying times, many or few.
Cherish every waking moment with you by my side
Be your pillar of strength and your guiding light.
I vow to be your best friend, intimate confidante and sweetest lover,
A role model mum to our children and to your parents, a filial daughter.
I will respect and honour you even if you start losing your hair
Or if your body parts start to wear and tear.
Baby the distance will never keep us apart
And come what may I will have you in my heart.
I accept you as my husband, chauffeur and slave
And I promise I will be frugal and learn how to save.
I present this ring, my heart and my whole life to you
Forever love and contentment
And may our hearts stay true.

Both vows were penned painstakingly and we meant every word we said, in front of a small crowd of family and close friends just 2hours before we had our wedding dinner. Of course, till today, I am still 'learning' to be frugal..but this lesson could take a lifetime, you know? muahaha. My "teacher" is not very good, you know?? *winks* Alan flushes, nowadays, which is an utter relief. haha.
Sadly, there are only so many photos I can upload here in the blog. My connection stinks and nO, I am not tapping into another's line. Well, the other pictures are in flickr at , there is, if you didn't know already. go visit it, you'll be amazed at the memories it'll bring back. :D

Zesa's (our bridesmaid) Sweet Message to her dad and mum last evening at 530pm:
YO YO. I purposely waited until around this time... Cos this time last year... U were feeling all jittery n worried ... Yet excited ... U were busy memorising your vows while doing your hair, after that U were looking for your shoes frantically n when it was about time to walk down the STAIRS we were hoping that we didn't tumble down together ... Haha. N then it was the touching moment as u and daddy read your vows n u conveniently forgot what u memorised so hard ... HAHA. Anyway, HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY to u both. Stay loving always! Love, Zesa :D
Super touching yeah? Only if she had remembered the correct date, that would even more MORE TOUCHING. haahha. ok ok enough of suanning. :D It was the sweetest message I've received in a long while. :D
This morning, I pretended to sleep as I watched Alan discover his little pressie from me. I made him a bear couple. Papa Bear is in a blue jumper and Mama a pink one of course. Mama bear had a cute lil pink button stuck to the front of her jumper and was holding a bunch of six red roses. Papa had a huge envelope in his hand. On it was written "Happy 1 year Anniversary Baobei!" heee. Now aint that sweet??? The only thing I forgot to do was to take a photo of it to post online :P ArGh. Alan has brought it happily to work to show off on the GM's table already.
It's amazing how time flies and it has been a year since we both walked down the aisle - no no , actually I walked down the aisle and he just stood there at the 'altar' waiting in Hotel Intercontinental...
So many things have changed after 27 may 2007 - we have gone to Europe for our honeymoon, moved from Waterina back to 110B, then he moved in July to KL and I stayed in spore to finish up the O Levels. I moved in mid Nov '07 to KL, Lanson Place and then in Jan '08 we moved into Sri Tiara where I embarked on a tuition teacher career. And we have never looked back since...
Today, I shall take this golden opportunity to revisit 27 May 2007 and share with you what transpired on that beautiful day...
Alan’s Wedding Vows
From this moment on, with your hands in mine, I, Alan Tan,
pledge my undying love to my baby Sharon Goh Hui Lin
as I invite you to share my life.
Your beauty, heart, and mind inspire me to be the best person I can be.
I promise to be kind, unselfish, respectful, and trustworthy
so that together, our dreams of a beautiful tomorrow can come true.
I promise that I will flush the toilet bowl, switch off all the toilet lights
and air-con in the living room before we go to sleep, and lock the door too.
I promise to love you and be faithful for eternity.
To this end I call upon all present to witness that I take you, Sharon Goh Hui Lin,
to be my beloved wife, to have and to hold,
from this day forward, for better or for worse,
for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health
for as long as we both shall live.
With this ring, I become yours eternally.
Sharon’s Wedding Vows
Darling I pledge to spend my whole life with you.
To support you in trying times, many or few.
Cherish every waking moment with you by my side
Be your pillar of strength and your guiding light.
I vow to be your best friend, intimate confidante and sweetest lover,
A role model mum to our children and to your parents, a filial daughter.
I will respect and honour you even if you start losing your hair
Or if your body parts start to wear and tear.
Baby the distance will never keep us apart
And come what may I will have you in my heart.
I accept you as my husband, chauffeur and slave
And I promise I will be frugal and learn how to save.
I present this ring, my heart and my whole life to you
Forever love and contentment
And may our hearts stay true.
Sadly, there are only so many photos I can upload here in the blog. My connection stinks and nO, I am not tapping into another's line. Well, the other pictures are in flickr at , there is, if you didn't know already. go visit it, you'll be amazed at the memories it'll bring back. :D

Zesa's (our bridesmaid) Sweet Message to her dad and mum last evening at 530pm:

YO YO. I purposely waited until around this time... Cos this time last year... U were feeling all jittery n worried ... Yet excited ... U were busy memorising your vows while doing your hair, after that U were looking for your shoes frantically n when it was about time to walk down the STAIRS we were hoping that we didn't tumble down together ... Haha. N then it was the touching moment as u and daddy read your vows n u conveniently forgot what u memorised so hard ... HAHA. Anyway, HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY to u both. Stay loving always! Love, Zesa :D
Super touching yeah? Only if she had remembered the correct date, that would even more MORE TOUCHING. haahha. ok ok enough of suanning. :D It was the sweetest message I've received in a long while. :D

This morning, I pretended to sleep as I watched Alan discover his little pressie from me. I made him a bear couple. Papa Bear is in a blue jumper and Mama a pink one of course. Mama bear had a cute lil pink button stuck to the front of her jumper and was holding a bunch of six red roses. Papa had a huge envelope in his hand. On it was written "Happy 1 year Anniversary Baobei!" heee. Now aint that sweet??? The only thing I forgot to do was to take a photo of it to post online :P ArGh. Alan has brought it happily to work to show off on the GM's table already.
Ok, as they say, a picture tells a thousand words... so here you go --> :D
btw, for all you people who refused to come to my wedding, the url was chosen because during the wedding dinner, Alan surprised me with this song and 99 red roses. :D
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