Friday 7 March 2008
I packed my bags and took a taxi down myself to Corus Hotel at Jalan Ampang where the Aeroline coach would be awaiting. Alan met me at the hotel from work and we boarded the bus which left a tad late at around 345pm.
Alan had wondered inwardly why The Wife had chosen to travel via coach instead of air this time around, especially since Mas was still lurking and malaysia would be speaking through polls during the duration of our trip home.
Don't ask me why too? Reason seems to elude me once in a while....
Anyway, the journey was smooth until we hit a many-car-pile-up along one of the jungle-roads in Malaysia. And because of the rain, the traffic was slow and heavy. We toiled on and arrived at Harbourfront centre at around 940pm, instead of the scheduled 830pm. *faint*
Quickening our steps, we flew to Bakerzin where Jean and a NY Cheesecake were awaiting our arrival impatiently. Alan whipped out his D300 and then we were READY. Mummy's mouth formed an 'O' shape

After the birthday celebration- a culmination of a week of MSN discussions and a flurry of emails- we all left Bakerzin with huge satisfied grins on our faces and more calories and fats in our bodies.
Alan and I hadn't had dinner then and so we proceeded by taxi to East Coast Road and had our Mee Pok tah fix. The lady serving us (with a smile) generously put the whole bottle of vinegar on our table for our personal consumption! Then, we took a bus back to my place.
8th March 2008 (Satuday)
We got up early and the whole family had breakfast at Marine Parade. I had been craving for the famous mixed pork porridge for the longest time (you can't find decent pork-related cuisine in Malaysia) and it was finally time to satisfy my cravings. We also shared a plate of (white) carrot cake and some soya bean milk.
Then it was off to Parkway Parade. We strode into the recently opened Borders and browsed for a long time. I purchased Asian Geographic which Alan and I will be endeavouring to submit photographs and articles (respectively) to for publication in our free time. :) Then we hit the arts and craft bazzar at the atrium. There were afew clay figurines and interesting stuff online. We "took some notes" and left.
Petlovers Centre beckoned next and we shopped for stuff to pamper our sons. I filled my shopping cart with biscuits and jerkys etc for Ash to savour whilst we were not around.
Then it was time to hit home for a short nap as Alan and I were still suffering from the aftereffects of the previous day's journey.
Dinner was at Hua Yu Wee a big bungalow which housed a very popular seafood restaurant. Starving from the lack of lunch, we ordered and ordered and ordered. Our dinner menu consisted of 2 huge crabs (chilli and tomato ketchup) with man tou, sambal mussels, yam basket, fish slices with spring onion, thai toufu, fried baby kailin with garlic, fried you tiao with sotong. just enough to feed 10 hungry people.
I adjourned for drinks with Gary at Mel's Place Katong. Although the wine was not as appetising as expected, the company and conversation made up sufficiently for it and we stayed there till 1am! The understanding-husband-who-did-not-impose-a-curfew was still up by the time I got back and we cheered like Malaysians at the polling results.
9th March 2008 (Sunday)
I awoke with slight depression at the thought of going back to Malaysia today. We brought our baobei for a walk in the linear park near our house and Alan of course took countless photographs of Ash.

Then Jean and Mum joined us for another sinful meal at Kiliney Kopitiam. We all shared Penang Char Kway teow, Laksa, Mee Siam, eggs, toast, otah and drinks and a hearty conversation. Then, it was MORE SINS (you understand my entry's title now?) at the next-door Gelare outlet.
We shared some scoops of icecream and waffle biscuit to round off the meal.
Alan and I quickly headed home and took a shower. We then jumped into a cab (after biding e'one a tearless farewell) and went to Bukit Merah to visit Ah Ma. The poor ol'lady had her back plastered with medicated plaster due to a fall she had had a month ago. I massaged her and applied the deep heat pack for her to soothe her achining back.
My in-laws returned home just as we were about to take our leave and they sent us to Vivo City to redeem our Tang's voucher. Alan and I had a light Deli-france lunch and then headed into the coach for another long journey home. *grimance*
1 comment:
Ash is looking smart! Very handsome in his puppy sport jersey.. NICE!
Good photography too Bro.
Oh, if there's one thing to teach Jay Jay, he mustn't be like his elder brother who loves to smell pussies... tt's gross!
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