Friday, February 15, 2008

Papaya Birds Nest!??!!?

Alexis is going to kill me and stop reading my blog at the same time.

I'm going to Hong Kong to shop at the end of the month. HEHEHEHE.

15 February 2008 (Friday)

Today we are going to have guests over. Alan's staff. I have just finished baking some cookies. hahaha Although they ain't burnt, they are in odd shapes and sizes. hahaha. I shall just sitck to clay figurines then! :P

We will loh hei at Robon Height's restaurant later on. Table of 10! 730pm. Before that shall we money-making schemes in the form of table games. hahaa Euphemism never hurts! ;)

Hong Kong is around 12-17 degrees nowadays. And we've left ALL our winter clothing in S'pore. hahaha. shucks. Alan has been invited to a business gathering there and I am SURELY going to tag along. hahaha. I shall start-up my business on this trip. Going to purchase some stuff to sell. *excited* Shall call on Anna too! hahaha.

Ginna, you want stickers? hahahaha. I used up my supply doing your Daddy's scrapbk pressie. Shall replenish in HK! Yipeeee!me thinking of the Xu Liu Shan papaya birds nest already! *smack lips*

ok ok enough before I get stoned to death. :X I shall cease to gush!

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